TheBombson (3437905)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (10 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Art Nouveau Pattern Set
Published Jun 7, 2011
About Me
I wastea lot of my time building on sims 3 so why not make some use of it and share .
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Victorian GrandeWritten Feb 23, 2011
I thought I'll finish this today but I got no time left ˘-˘ (homework...) However I'm so excited about this creation I decided to "anounce" it by this post! :D The exterior is all done,I'm finishing up the interiors,and I think it looks realy unique! This victorian beauty(who actualy looks a bit tudor) is going to make all you classy people very happy ;) If all goes well it will be... ...More
Sunset Bay Bungalows Written Feb 17, 2011
A new set of homes I'm working on,along with the two comunity lots that will go with them. They are kind of retro,and look very cute all together. They look as if they have been in town for a few decades :) I hope you like them. ...More
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murfeelJul 15, 2011
I feel your pain--my laptop was in the shop these last two weeks, and I had zero time to upload anything lately, either. Now I'm behind schedule.
murfeelJun 25, 2011
I know it's a little dark down here in this dungeo--urrr...'WORKROOM', but feel around a bit; I left you some breadcrumbs and half a glass of distilled water from some old battery acid I found lying about. I hope that's enough to fill you up between roun--uhhhh....'SHIFTS'!!! Now get your strength back up soon, because I'm going to need about a thousand more of those gorgeous patterns of yours soon! ^-^
ShinoKCRJun 09, 2011
Hi! I looooove your Art Nouveau Patterns Downloaded all of them