Troubledgirl (1325618)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (89 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Pooh and Friends in 100 Acre Green
Published Nov 1, 2008
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About Me
Hmmm...Well I love playing sims 1 and 2, ecspecially building the house's. I am really into gothic art as long as it isn't to creepy, I like the pretty gothic art. There is not much else.
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dgandyJan 13, 2010
Thank you for the nice comment on my wrought iron bed.
DirtdevillNov 13, 2008
Hello, Troubledgirl! Thank you for you nice comment on my featured Lightning screenie. It's very much appriciated!! The castle at the picture is one of my upcoming lots. I was game testing this Community when suddenly a bad witch came over and put a spel on it. It really gave me the shivers because there was a awful noise( a enormous big bang) and besides that the many lightnings that followed almost at the same moment, looked very scary to me!! Thanks again for having a look at my screenie& Wish you having a Great week! Grtz, Dirtdevill
simelodiNov 02, 2008
Thanks for reading my Princess and the Pea story!Im really glad you enjoyed it - simelodi