Twilyte (77943)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (90 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Twilyte's Cats
Published Jan 16, 2007
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About Me
Greetings! Welcome to my profile. Thanks for taking the time to look me up. Allow me to introduce myself: I'm happily married, a mother of 3 fantastic adults, a grandmother of 2 beautiful children, and a slave to 3 wonderful, furry critters...a Sheltie, a Persian, and a gray and white domestic long hair cat. (We live in a fuzzy world.) BTW: Yes, the kitties in my avatar are ours. That's Mr. Higgins with the mustache and Ernie in the tux. Don't they look like they're ready for a night on the town? Sadly, Ernie is no longer with us, but he lives forever in SimsWorld. He's hanging around in my pet downloads with others...including our 13 year old bi-black Sheltie, Serling, and our newest addition, the gray and white, Magellan. They can all be found playing together in my "Twilyte's Pets" set.
Like most of you, I can honestly say I'm a true Sims addict -- just ask my husband. I love playing The Sims, The Sims 2 and all of their creatively fun expansions packs. However, one of my favorite things about Sims-life is building homes, businesses, parks, playgrounds, and anything else that strikes my fancy to spoil my Sims. Whenever time allows, I upload my creations here, so feel free to take a look and let me know what you think. Building and playing aside, my favorite thing about Sims-life is the PETS! I can't get enough of them! Perhaps that's because I'm such a critter person at heart. My own pets have been cloned into Sims 2 replicas and are available for your enjoyment. I've also created 2 new breeds of dogs...Noodles and their larger cousins, Great Noodles. These have been uploaded as well and can be found in my sets and under my pet creations along with my newest "Twilyte's Cats" set uploads.
Well, that's all for now. Thanks again for dropping by. Please take a moment to say "hello" in my guestbook. Take care and have a wonderfully beautiful Sims day. GBYA!
If you like what you see and want more to follow, then watch this space 'cause there'll be more tomorrow.
My Latest Updates Show All
Anyone for Noodles?Written Oct 11, 2012
What if I added the word "dogs" at the end of that question? They're coming back! For those who loved the Noodle Dogs and their larger cousings, the Great Noodle Dogs from Sims 2, you'll be happy to read that they are coming back for the Sims 3. (About time, huh?) The Noodles are my current work in progress, but should be ready for upload within the next day or... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
emeraldJul 01, 2015
Thank you for your nice comment. Hugs, Emerald
TrustimeMar 25, 2013
Hello, thank you very much for commenting Sorry for the delay. Have a great week.
hatshepsutFeb 27, 2013
Thank you for your lovely comment on Rutland Walk, I hope you have a lot of fun with it