Valgrida (1700904)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (91 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Peony Lodges
Published Mar 11, 2009
My Latest Community Uploads
About Me
I'm a sim-addict living in Simlington, the capitol of the Simland. I started to play in 2004 when my daughter brought home a Playstation I version of The Sims. My children travelled to another city to spend Christmas with their father. I was left at home with a dog and The Sims. I hardly slept... That was an instant addiction! Then, naturally, I bought myself the Sims1 and then the Sims2 and have been living in the Sims2-world ever since! It is a mystery how I managed to find myself a real life husband between all that playing!!
I found TSR in 2007 and was simply thrilled of the talent of all these people here! TSR is a heaven to a sim-addict like me!! As a kid my dream job was to be an architect. I never knew I'd be a virtual architect in TSR! I also recolor clothes but haven't submitted any of my creations yet. - Maybe this year??
It's great to be a member of this community! People are friendly and helpful and all this custom content adds so much to my game! Thanks to you all for being here! Happy simming!!
2021 Update - I blame my daughter, again. Now she made me play Sims4!
My Latest Updates Show All
I'm backWritten Mar 22, 2013
It's been over 4 years silence. Now I'm back and also going to subscribe, too. I've had problems with my Sims2 and I need some help to get things going again. I REALLY want to spend time in my Sims2 world. I do not like the Sims 3. I have it but it's not my thing at all. I hope to meet other Sims2 fans here again as I used to. See you soon! Tiina ...More
Merry Christmas an a Happy New Year 2010!Written Dec 25, 2009
Dear All, I have been extremely busy in the real life. My daughter hasn't been well, and since she's been ill over 2 years, it's starting to show in my health as well. I have been far too tired to do anything but what must have been done to survive every day life. I have no idea if she'll get any better in the near future, but at least I still hope so. I have missed this community and I... ...More
Thanks to all TSR artists!Written Oct 19, 2009
Hi Everyone, I spent some time yesterday by downloading items to my Sims3 world. Millions of thanks to Cyclonesue, DOT, Mutske, Katelys, RICCI, Simal, Shakesaft and many others!! It's so amazing to be able to get all those lovely creations to the game, it's so much more interesting to play when there's a variety of hair, furniture, décor, building itsem etc. I really appreciate... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
spitzmagicDec 23, 2010
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and
a Blessed New Year
spitzmagicFeb 14, 2010
Happy Valentine ’ s Day
shakeshaftDec 24, 2009
Wishing you all the happiness for the holiday season and a wonderful and prosperous New Year!! Andrea