Vampite (3025231)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (8 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Eddie Vedder
Published Feb 20, 2010
My Latest Community Uploads
About Me
Hey, I'm Kat. Music is my life, and I play 4 instruments (bass, drums, guitar and clarinet). When I'm not playing music, or practicing, or buying more equiptment than I actually need, I like to play video games (including sims, obviously). My favourite things to do are create sims, and create houses. The cat in my avatar is one of my cats, Socks, if you were wondering. He loves the camera.
I'll gladly take requests, just post in my guestbook and I'll start on it right away! I can only (at the moment) do houses, patterns and sims though.
My Latest Updates Show All
Another UpdateWritten Feb 19, 2010
Ok, so long time no see! I've been having problems with the uploader, so I haven't been able to upload anything I've been doing lately. I've also been working on a rather big house project, so I haven't had much time to make sims. But I still have, a few of which will be submitted tonight, a few more tomorrow (right now it's 7:00 my time, for reference for you all). So, submitted tonight or... ...More
New Stuffs!Written Feb 16, 2010
So today, my first creations were published. So, published today (Feb 15) were the following: Sims: Pete Wentz Patrick Stump Mike Dirnt Lots: Modernized I hope you guys enjoy them! And I'm always up for comments (good or bad, I want to know the truth!) so comment on one of my creations or post in my guestbook! Being published in the next few days:... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
needforsleepJun 16, 2015
YES, I FOUND SOME FALL OUT BOY! You have no idea how long I've been looking for something Fall Out Boy related on this site! Thank you for existing!
wmoran27Apr 01, 2010
Could you make Green Day(Billie Joe Armstrong, Tre Cool, Mike Dirnt) on the sims 3? THANKS
hasel Feb 14, 2010
Hi V..Thank you for the comment and birthday wishes.. Happy Day