Vanillah_the_girl_next_door (2757197)
About Me
Well, basically I am just another girl... Who loves to play around and experiment with TS3!
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Formatting??Written Oct 07, 2009
I realise from the responses I got in the forums that since TS3 is stil new, I should try and be patient for new meshes to come out. The meshes that are already out are great but I have a problem downloading them. Some of them come in formats such as Winzip or Winrar that I cannot open without special softwares. Therefore i cannot use them in the game. What are downloads made for if you can't... ...More
Pre - occupiedWritten Oct 06, 2009
While having successfully created some new hairstyles and outfits on the Sims 3, it is currently impossible for me to upload them. My Sims 3 account is on my laptop and seeing as the internet connection on the laptop is broken, I will need to fix the laptop before I can upload any nig work... That will not be soon! In the works, I am so preoccupied with other things, like getting my band... ...More