Venezia_Auditore (4179845)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (1 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

August Rush
Published Jan 4, 2012
About Me
I'm a recent addicted Simmer, if thats how you say it....
I have all the expansions and most of the add-ons and I love all of them!
Every creation on this site amazes me everyday! I thank all of you for providing your time and skills to beautiful works of art! It makes playing the game totally worth it!
TheSimsResource > The Sims Exchange
Currently working on building lots for you lovely people! Hope you enjoy them!
Happy Simming!
My Latest Updates Show All
Busy Busy!Written Jan 12, 2012
Hi all! Back at school again for the Spring semester, not so fun! I don't play as much as I used to but I will try and do my best! Don't forget to ask about me building your own home! :) Happy Simming! -Kyliee / Venezia <3 ...More
Personalized Homes for TSR Fans!Written Jan 01, 2012
Hey guys! Happy New Years! I would like to do something for anyone who would like a new home, but you are too lazy and not enough time to make it yourself. If you would like me to build a lot for you, write on my guest book what kind of house you would like (see types below). What EP's and such you have so I know what I can use for YOUR home! And include things you would prefer to have in... ...More
Houses or Sims? Please Comment!Written Dec 29, 2011
Not sure how many of you will take time to read this but those that do, THANK YOU! :) Well since I havent properly introduced myself, my name is Kyliee. Yes I spell it with 2 e's because I am special like that! I recieved The Sims 3 back in August for my birthday but never started to play until the holiday season after my family got me EP's which really excited me! I do go to college, not... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
chemyDec 17, 2012
Hi Kyliee! Thanks so much for your lovely comment on Autumn's Whisper!!!! Have a gorgeous week!!! hugs
chemyAug 08, 2012
Thanks for the link hun!!! Now at least I know what to tell other people and judging from what I read, I won't build in Twinbrook, since that seems to cause the most problems. Have a great day!
chemyAug 07, 2012
Oh I'm so glad you were able to fix it...what was the problem?