Vionai (3038790)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (46 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Teen Classic Heart Hoodie
Published Aug 11, 2011
My Latest Community Uploads
About Me
++ Please vote on my polls!
++ I would LOVE To know your opinions!
++ Thank You!
++ About Me ++
+ Have Created For These Games:
Oblivion, Fallout 3, IMVU, Secondlife.
+ Own a store in second life 3+ Years
+ I am an artist. Find my work here:
+ I DO Take request!
Feel free to hit me up if you have ideas!
+ I plan on learning how to mesh and
create with blender soon...
+ Don't be afraid to message me!
I'm quite friendly and I LOVE Hearing
everyone's opinions on my work!
My Latest Updates Show All
Just Started CreatingWritten Jun 19, 2011
I just started creating items for the sims 3. Two of them have been accepted and uploaded here to the sims resource. Please let me know what you think on my creations & how I can improve them! I will probably be focusing on the gothic genre and on children & Toddlers for the most part. However, I might make some teenage clothing. I probably won't make much male stuff but I will try to... ...More