WelshWitch's Blog
Poll Results
Woohoo great to see spooky/gothic came out tops but only just, lots of 'sexy' people out there too, of course i fall into both categories lmao!! thanks all for taking the time to vote!Hugs
The Witch is Back!!
Hi allremember me lol, well its been a pretty wild roller coaster in real life for last few months, ill health and two computer breakdowns have added to my frustrations, but hopefully i can now get back to creating more weird and wonderful things for all the fab people here at the sims resource. id like to thank all the wonderful people for the messages/emails im now able to read and will reply as soon as i can. Best wishes to you all, watch out theres a low flying, speed freak of a witch flying above your heads lol!!!
Seasons Wishes!
Seasons Greetings to everyone here at TSR, especially my friends who I must thank for all their wonderful support. To everyone who has downloaded my creations and thankyou for all the wonderful comments that have been left for me, very much appreciated. My wish to you all is for a wonderful Christmas, filled with laughter, good company, and pressies you actually want! lol... visions of the steam iron & teapot (i dont drink tea!!), i received last year.....ugh!! makes me shudder at the thought lol! Best wishes to You All and All Yours! Love & Hugs Welshy xHugs & Wubs to All!
Just when you thought it was safe to take a quick peek at my page......Boo!!!
Witchy here lol, just wanted to thank everyone for the personal messages, e-mails, etc, that I have received in the last few weeks.
With real-life taking it's grip at the moment, leaving me with very little time at home, which I try to use to create a lot or two for all the fab people who constantly leave thank you's & messages in my guestbook to show their appreciation for my work.
I miss the forums and my wonderful friends so much and so look forward to getting back and at least trying to catch with all the goings on......oh and the smut!!! lol. Where would we be without it!!!
Many thanks to you all.
Hugs & Wubs
Halloween Poem by Welshwitch
Eye of Newt & Wing of Bat
For this Samhain you'll need more than that!
Goblins Ears and a kittens mew
Will add some magic to my brew.
So watch out all you little brats
This Hallows Eve 'Da Witch is Back!!'
Soon my Magic I will weave,
And no stone unturned will I leave.
So come out, come out where ever you are,
For my magic will travel near and far,
Once again you'll hear my call
'Trick or Treat' there's one for all.
Poll Results
Question: Which Theme do you prefer?Gothic/Halloween 22.15% (33)
Modern 40.27% (60)
Medieval 17.45% (26)
Space Age 2.68% (4)
Holiday 11.41% (17)
Other 6.04% (9)
Previous poll
Gothic/halloween 33.33% (14)
Modern 19.05% (8)
Medieval 28.57% (12)
Holiday 9.52% (4)
Space Age 0% (0)
Other 9.52% (4)
Ok adding the 2 results together we have:
Gothic/halloween 33.33% (47)
Modern 19.05% (68)
Medieval 28.57% (38)
Holiday 9.52% (21)
Space Age 0% (4)
Other 9.52% (13)
With Modern as a clear winner, Gothic 2nd & Medieval 3rd.
Thanks to everyone who took part in my poll.
New poll posted, hope you vote on that one too x
Music Room Walls only available in set, not as single downloads.My apologies to anyone trying to download the Music room walls, at first I thought that in all my excitement at becoming an SA I somehow managed to mess up the upload of the set file for these walls. The set will now be available from tomorrow 3rd October.My sincerest apologies to anyone who has tried to download the walls today.
Update: ok the set file is now downloadable......phew, but single wall downloads have gone on vacation!!!
Well looks like it possibly wasn't me, someone else has had the same problem.......!! The set file for these walls is fine and can be downloaded, only single downloads of each wall is still not available.!
x Friends x
Below are a list (in no particular order x) of wonderful people & great creators i've been lucky enough to chat in forums with here at TSR, I can't post clickable links but if you copy and paste into your browser then you can visit them too:Kamusx
Walkerbough Rumour
Moonlit Maiden
Dr Macabre
Anakin Stupaine
Will add more when I get time, sorry to those not added yet x
I'd just like to say thank you for all the fantastic support, messages & Congratulations I've received from so many here at TSR since becoming an SA.It still hasn't quite sunk in yet, i've been like a witch on a hot broomstick ever since, just flitting about and getting nowhere lol!
But will definitely calm down soon and get back to finishing off some creations that I had lined up, mostly with Halloween in mind.
Best Wishes to all
Poll Resuts
Thanks to an interfering teen, who may possibly survive her next birthday lol! the poll ended earlier than planned, so I have recreated the same poll, results from first poll here, once the new poll is completed I will add any new votes to get a final result.Question: What is your favourite theme?
Gothic/halloween 33.33% (14)
Modern 19.05% (8)
Medieval 28.57% (12)
Holiday 9.52% (4)
Space Age 0% (0)
Other 9.52% (4)