Yeliab (548966)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (142 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Milton Tower Store
Published Apr 1, 2006
My Latest Sims 1 Creations (56 in total) Show all my Sims 1 Creations
My Latest Community Uploads
About Me
About Me
I was unable to work for a number of years due to illness so I had plenty of time to fill, and got into playing The Sims 1 in 2001. After a period of recovery I have now started a small business providing computer support and website design to local businesses and home users.
The Sims 1
My main interest in The Sims is building, and I have re-modelled the original Maxis houses and added some of my own. I am now, finally, publishing several of my lots for TS1 here at TSR. I also created a complete set of reworked vacant lots for Old Town, which are now available for download.
S2HBAA Member
I was pleased with the added flexibility of TS2 building and it was inevitable that I would become a member of S2HBAA. I have developed a method for building basements with working windows. If you like the Legacy Challenge try my Legacy Starter Homes. If you download and play any of my lots please tell me what you think of them in my Guestbook, I'd like to know so that I can build better lots!
My Creations
I also create items for TS2 using Homecrafter and Bodyshop. See my ColourFlash Swimwear Range, Rustic Carpets, and The Andean Walls and Floors Collection. If you download and use any of my creations please comment on them, I'd really like to know what you think of them!
TSRAA Member
As a member of TSRAA all my Homecrafter items are available to use in lots that you upload to TSR, under the TSRAA guidelines.
My Latest Updates Show All
More Downtime Ended!Written Apr 10, 2009
Despite my good intentions I've had another long break from The Sims and TSR. Having moved to Mid-Wales, a more rural and slower-paced part of the UK, I was concentrating on recovery from my long term illness. After feeling much better I moved again, to Wiltshire, where I grew up! I've now started my own business providing computer support and website design, and although I don't... ...More
TS1 New Vacant Community LotsWritten Aug 31, 2007
To complement the vacant residential lots I also created a limited set of 15 vacant community lots, to be published on Saturday. These followed a similar approach to the residential ones, and I added complete pavements beside the roads, and relocated the bins and phones. I did not simply modify the same lots set as community in the default game, I chose to work on the lots in the centre of... ...More
TS1 New Vacant Residential LotsWritten Aug 30, 2007
Its been a long and busy summer, and while I've been away my Replacement Residential Lots have been uploaded to the site. I made these some years ago, and only recently realised that I could share them with the Sims 1 community here. When I first played TS1 I wanted to build houses, and became frustrated that I kept having to remove the previous house and landscaping. I was also... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
jes sale Jul 15, 2015
thank you for sharing
charrayJun 05, 2009
I love your creations! You did an amazing job on them. Thanks so much for sharing!
FluffyAuntyDiAug 30, 2008
np hun ive been off for awhile thank you for responding