aburke (2134168)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (9 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Woodland Cottage
Published Mar 31, 2009
About Me
I just like to build houses.
My Latest Updates Show All
Sims 3 UpdateWritten Jul 24, 2009
Hey guys! I've hopped on the Sims 3 bandwagon, so I'll no longer be building homes for Sims 2. If any of you were left with unfulfilled requests, I sincerely apologize. I've had some business taking up most of my time recently. Right now, I'm really enjoying just the game play aspect of the Sims 3, so building is on hold for now. However, if anyone has a... ...More
Open to Requests!Written Mar 08, 2009
I kind of said this in my last blog, but I am always open for requests. If anybody sees a picture of a house they might want, send it my way and I'll build it for you. Or if you anybody wants just a general style (i.e. beach house, cape cod, etc.) I really like to build anything, I just run out of ideas sometimes. Allison ...More
What I Build...Written Mar 08, 2009
I was looking at my lots today, and I've realized that I kind of have a style? I lean more towards Craftsman-style homes. I'm not quite sure why. I'm really attracted to using wood and stone accents on my houses. They pretty much fall into two categories. I like to build unique-looking starter-ish houses. I also like to build the more detailed houses that... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
PralinesimsSep 30, 2011
The model is not available for downloading,im really sorry
PralinesimsSep 30, 2011
Hey Thank you so much for the beautiful feedback on our creations!!!! We hope you have a gorgeous weekend! *HUGGGGGS*
shtinkyDec 22, 2009
Hello Aburke! Thanks for leaving a comment on my Writer's Cottage. It means a lot to me as I am very attached to that house. I'm glad you like the floor plan, too! I aimed for a classic 1900's farm - functional and accessible rooms, but a little 'nooky' as well! Have a wonderful holiday and may next year be a safe and happy one for you.