anicade88 (667511)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (12 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Published Nov 22, 2006
About Me
i dunno much 'bout myself..... excpept for i luv makin' stuff for sims & bein' alone!!!
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weirdfaerieJan 08, 2007
POOSY!!!!! Typical, I really wanted you to come online tonight because I want your Deviantart name again. Me, being a dumbo, lost it Marvelous (Love that word muahahahahaaa) But the reason I want it is cos I know you had a photo closeup of your eye. I want to draw it on psp So pwetty pwease tell meee!!! I hope everything is okay pumpkin *Smooch* Your TIFFYPOOS
weirdfaerieJan 07, 2007
Oh oh and young man!! It might be wise not to rant so much about another TSr member on a GB! What if you get banned??? What would I do then?? Well, talk to you elsewhere teehee but who would I talk to on tsr?? Um, well, a lot of people (I am miss. popular now You still my only Poosy though!!!) but I'd miss you I understand what you mean though. She does need to be reported but Nary wants to leave it so we will It's probably best just to forget, ignore and get on with things I am gonna go pm Nary but I need a sleep first Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
weirdfaerieJan 07, 2007
i'm meant to be resting but I wanted to reply to your comments I've missed speaking to you on here I'm still feeling bad that I haven't been emailing you much lately. Just I'm not very well and it seems a lot of hard work I haven't spoken to kd since before Christmas so it must be reeeally hard work But I think GBEntrying might be easier for me at the moment... As I can't write too much, and I don't like emailing if it is only a few lines. You should see my "About me" though. Took forever to write and I felt wrectehed afterwards!! i'm soooo pweased you like my avvie!! I made it myself YAY!!! So, I shall go and rest then like a good girl loves you!!! Tifa