auracyan (107672)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (844 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Boy's Soccer Pajamas
Published Sep 20, 2006
About Me
I'm a 26 year old widow from Pennsylvania. I hope you enjoy the things I have created. I love feedback so let me know what you think! I'm a member of the TSRAA, so feel free to use my objects, floors, and walls when making a lot. I'm now a featured artist at Spiffy Sims. If you like my stuff, stop by there and download some of my creations you won't find anywhere else!
There are stupid people in this world. Don't be one of them. Do NOT PM me and say some clothing I have created doesn't show up in your game unless you are 100% certain that you have the mesh. SOME CLOTHES REQUIRE MESHES PEOPLE! I DO NOT HAVE ANY SAY IN WHAT IS FREE AND WHAT ISN'T ON THIS SITE! Do NOT PM me or leave bad feedback to complain that the clothes are free but the mesh isn't. I can't do ANYTHING about that.