babytweetums4 (1647874)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (473 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Kids Drawing Wallpaint
Published Aug 30, 2008
About Me
I have just recently started creating walls and floors for the sims2. My sons are the ones who got me started on the game in the first place. I do spend a lot of time playing mostly in the evening and at night so during the day I create. I now have more of an appreciation for those who do the creating since I have started. You don't realize how much time and effort goes into it unless you do it for yourself. I thank everyone who has created and those who made the tools in order to do so. I hope you enjoy everything I make.
My Latest Updates Show All
Walls and FloorsWritten Aug 11, 2008
Hi everyone! I have had some time to get a few new sets of walls and floors done lately. Hope you all enjoy the new stuff coming! :) ...More
DownloadsWritten Aug 08, 2008
I am so very excited to see that I have had over 100,000 downloads. I hope evryone enjoys all of the creations I have made and those to come in the future. Happy Simming to all! Enjoy!!! ...More
Summer BreakWritten Jun 18, 2008
Due to my kids having summer break right now I just wanted those who check in frequently to know that creations may be a little slow for a while. I will do what I can to update often so please be patient. Thanks to all who appreciate my work! ...More
My Guestbook Show All
mensureAug 03, 2012
Hi, thanks for your nice comment. I hope you'll like it in your game. Have fun!
evoluchunDec 06, 2009
i love your work alot you have some great stuff thanks for sharing with us.
charrayMay 02, 2009
I love your creations You are a wonderful artist. Thanks so much for the great work and for sharing them