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beatifullie's Guestbook

IreneGouretJan 27, 2011

Hi!=) Thanks a lot for commenting on my screenshot. I'm very glad you liked my little vampire=) Have a nice day!

SIMcharlieMay 26, 2009

Thank you for your comment on my Pop Art set! I'm glad you like it \:D

Bury me deep inside your heartFeb 15, 2009

  Oh you should watch some episodes... I mean there is a story beetween Sakura and Shaoran in that anime really different from Tsubasa Reservoir...well in fact Tsubasa is a crossover of differents characters created by  the grup CLAMP, these anime are "Sakura Card Captor" "Magic Knight Rayearth" "xxxHolic" "Chobits" "X"  ...did you know it???. The university is so different from highschool...I mean...the teachers are so cold but there are a lot of students. So far I hate maths but I'm ok I will get use to it\:\) My birthday is in 4th May. I'm glad you like Devil May 4\:D. Thanks for your V-day wishes...I sent to your e-mail a card...I hope you like it\:\) Hugs\;\)

Bury me deep inside your heartFeb 10, 2009

I forgot to tell you that a couple of days ago I read on internet that The Sims 3 will be out in I will have to wait a lot\:\( They lied about February\:mad\:

Bury me deep inside your heartFeb 10, 2009

Hi M!!! How are you??? YOU'RE WELCOME!!!!. I started to watched "Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle" in 2006 but I left it in the half because it has it a lot of episodes  and I forgot it... it's been 3 years since...OMG the time goes passes really fast. I didn't know about "Tsubasa Tokyo Revelations", now that you mentioned that there are vampires  I'll finish with the other half and I'll watch these OVAS and the movie of course, you know...I'm a great fan of "Sakura Card Captor" ,it was one of my favourite anime that I saw when I was a little girl, I remember that I made her "magic stick" (the thingy that she uses to catch the cards) and played to be her and catch all the cards\:D and I wanted to cut my hair like her but I never did it... have you seen Sakura CC?. Yesterday I started the university so my hollydays are over\:\( I think I will not have so much time to watch anime or read manga \:\( I decided to study faculty in chemistry so I will be a Chemistry Professor in a few years. I remember that you told me something about Code Geass... I'll watch it but I don't know when\:\)I always wanted to ask you when is your birthday but I always forget it to do it\:D. Hugs\;\)  

Bury me deep inside your heartFeb 7, 2009

I forgot....thanks for the commpliment about my banner\:DI'm glad you like it!!!

Bury me deep inside your heartFeb 7, 2009

Hi M!! Yes I know Devil May Cry...Dante is gorgeous\:wub\: ..I saw 3 episodes like 2 years ago but I didn't finish with this anime and now that I thought about it I really don't know why I stopped of watching it. I used to play the game "Devil May Cry 4" with my 3 brothers\:\) did you play it??. Anyways thanks for the suggestion \:D. I have an anime for you's called "Maria Holic" it is very funny but I don't use to watch this kind of'll see...the main character is Kanako, a girl who likes girls and there is a boy called "Maria" who dresses like a girl, Kanako discovers his secret and then the boy extorts her...He is a really bitch\:D you should try to see the first episode at least\:\). Do you have another anime for me??. I didn't finish with Blood yet and a couple a weeks ago I finished with Wolf's Rain (the end is so sad..I cried like a baby). Hugs\;\)  

Bury me deep inside your heartFeb 3, 2009

I'm fine...these days are less hotter so I'm really happy...I'll tell you when there is the most highly temperature\:\). That manga is so addicting??? I can't imagine how much....I have a new banner...finally I decided to use Misa but I really wanted to make something with Zero but I couldn't...I didn't find a Great picture of him. I'm waiting for The Sims will be abailable on this month in USA so I don't know when it will be in my country...I hope soon. Have you seen the trailer of VK game??? it's really short it only last a half minute and the game is only in japanese I hope they make an english version!. Take Care\;\)  

Bury me deep inside your heartJan 31, 2009

You're THE BEST Martina!!! Thank you thank you thank you but take all the time you need to translate "Doors of Chaos"...I'm pretty sure I'll understand it\:D Kanon Wakeshima's hair is nice so I guess you look really nice with that type of hair-cut. You're right .... maybe one winter with snow will be nice but all the winters...I don't know, I'll visit you\:D You can visit me too!!!. Your summers are hot??? Which is the highest temperature???. . Jackcob started to be my favourite character when I read "New Moon". I finished with "Break Dawn" took me 6 days to read it...I think is the best story of vampires I've ever read of course without mentioning "VK"\:\). A couple a days ago I saw an anime called "Kigeki", it only last 10minutes but it's nice...odd but nice!!. Hugs\;\)    

Bury me deep inside your heartJan 25, 2009

Again me....I read chapter 47 of's so diferent from the anime \:eek\: did you read it????

Bury me deep inside your heartJan 24, 2009

I'm fine!!! You have a new hair-style??? GREAT \:D and how it looks like??? is it short ? or did you dye it???. I wish I have some snow here...the heat is really annoying...I prefer autum (it is my fav season). So far I saw up to episode 12 of Blood. OMG finally you watched "Twilight"\:rah\:I agree with u...Edward is cute but my fav character is Jacob (I know he didn't show up too much in the movie but I read the books and he is so sweet ). Yesterday I endend with "Eclipse" and today I started with the last book "Break Dawn" (it has like 715 pages)...I hope they make all the books in movies!!!!\:D Did you saw "Elfen Lied" complete???\:confused\: I couldn't find Door of Chaos\:\(I really wanted to read it\:rolleyes:Take care\;\)  

Bury me deep inside your heartJan 21, 2009

Hi M!!! how are you??...oh conflicts between countries....that sucks, did they bring it back the gas???. Yes I'm still in hollidays...the heat is was 38°C and this week will be hotter and hotter. I watched "Hakushaku to Yousei" (it has only 12 episodes), I started to see "Blood+" (so far is very interesting..I like Haji, he is my fav) and "Wolf's Rain" (if you like werewolfs this anime is for you) and now I have a new hobby...READ... A couple of days ago I started to read "New Moon" and now I'm with "Eclipse" (they are the sequel of "Twilight", you'll see I can't wait to see the second movie so I decided to read the books) you have to read them..they're fantastic\:ph34r\: Hope to talk you soon\;\)  

ProwlerTyloJan 16, 2009

Hello: Thank you for voting on it. Just trying to figure out what I should be making next. Got a few things in waiting for approval, and one thing that will be out tomorrow. I have one of the outfits for deathnote (Pictures of it) sitting in my to make folder right now. It has been one of the ones I planned on working on but just have yet to get to it, so it is nice knowing that others are interested in them. Today is my birthday (The 15th of January), but I did not get to do anything exciting. Been just sitting here. Ahh well that is life I guess, I wanted to go to the movies but it is not out yet, the movie I want to see. Of course the only two things I wanted do not come out until February. I got nice cards, money which I spent to feed everyone (Funny how that happens, huh?), some clothing, and lindors white chocolate which I love; but apparently someone else loved them too because I left them on my desk unopened and someone ate them. My day was topped off with two prank phone calls from some person who obviously has nothing better to do with their time, and now just trying to figure out what is for dinner; to no avail. What a wonderful birthday huh? No cake, no ice cream, no party; would have been nice to have a day where everthing went your way; if not other day then on your birthday. Anyways, what about you how is school, friends, family?

Bury me deep inside your heartJan 13, 2009

We are a pair of silly girls don't you think?\:D No way!!!!... there is another unlucky boy??? I thought Zero was the only one...I have to read it. I have another anime for you...."Saikano" it has only 12 or 13 episodes...I'm glad you like Elfen Lied. How the scholl goes???. Take care\;\)  

ticticc13Jan 13, 2009

Hello there, thanks for the screenshot comment! Much appreciated. \:D

ProwlerTyloJan 12, 2009

Hello: It will be weird not having my Soul Society/Naruto Village, so I hope someone figures out quickly how to do all of that. ^_^ I am trying to not think too much about it, but I worry that it will be like when Sims 2 came out. Basically I was playing Sims, Sims 2 came out and I could not go back to the Sims. So I am kinda worried that will happen, that I will not be able to go back and play the Sims 2 bcause I like the Sims 3 too much. I suppose that should be a good thing, but I will miss my villages. :-P

Bury me deep inside your heartJan 12, 2009

Hi M!!! Today I feel better...I know Zero is not real but his story is too sad....I forgot to tell you...Elfen Lied it's quite raw and it has adult issues but it's a great anime\:\)Hugs\;\)  

Herzen & BlasenJan 11, 2009

Hi!\:\) Thanks for your nice comment on my screen shot "Edward Cullen"\:ph34r\:

Bury me deep inside your heartJan 11, 2009

I'm still crying\:\(

Bury me deep inside your heartJan 11, 2009

I don't know that band..the next meeting it will be in February. OMG I saw the final episode of VK...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO....I can't believe things ended like that...\:eek\: My heart is completely broken\:\( I cried when Yuuki left alone Zero. I know one anime that you probably will like's "Elfen Lied" you know it???\:confused\:See you\;\)  

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