bergerat (1160288)
About Me
I am a Sims freak. I think it has something to do with the controlling aspect of my nature or a really our of control God complex. I am a creative person by nature, but lack the skills to do anything remotely interesting when it comes to my Sims, which I why I love TSR. There are so many beautiful things for my Sims and plan to support this community as long as it exists.
As a writer, I use my Sims to bring to life my characters so I can have a visual while writing. Who says it's just a useless game?
My Guestbook Show All
PralinesimsJul 16, 2019
Awww ♥ Thaaank you so much! ♥ HUGS ♥
chemyMar 22, 2014
Hi bergerat!! Thanks for your great feedback....I'm thrilled you've placed my house in your new neighborhood!! Enjoy!!
MetensMar 16, 2014
Hi there! Thank you so much for your comment on Be my Valentine! Have a nice Sunday!