bethbrit (1312083)
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Looky what I made....Written May 27, 2008
I made her, she's Katie Price. I shall be uploading her to MTS2 in next couple of days. Unfortuantely I won't be active on here much at all anymore. Some things have not only come up in my personal life, but also word's been going round and I've decided to only upload to MTS2 from now on. I hope you all understand it is NOt because I don't like TSR, I just feel people will value my work... ...More
Woo!Written Apr 27, 2008
There's I just uploaded a load of new stuff, happy now? :D ...More
What am I currently doing....Written Apr 10, 2008
I decided I wanted to feel all summery, so, I'm in the process of making a new bikini set for adult females. Watch this space.... ...More
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franfregApr 05, 2009
Hey there!
I just read your earring tutorial and it really helped me so thank you sooooo much!!!!
Oh, I see you have some welsh entries? I'm half welsh =D
andi and grimDec 24, 2008
Hi, happy Christmas!
atina_beeAug 14, 2008
Thank You!