blackrose538 (3096766)
My Latest Sims 4 Creations (18 in total) Show all my Sims 4 Creations
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (7 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Haflinger Horse
Published Aug 17, 2014
About Me
First off: Playing The Sims and sharing content that I've made for the game, or in the game is just a hobby of mine. I do it for fun.
I've been playing The Sims since the very first Sims game. When I discovered this game I was about 11 years old, I think. So... I've been a Simmer for more than 15 years now. My favourite Sims Game would have to be The Sims 3. Just because I really enjoyed the open world and the many game play features it offered. Plus, I do love horses.
Anyway, I do play The Sims 4 now, although I think they turned this game into a money-making machine... sadly. However, with a good inspiration I love to build and decorate houses and share them with you guys. I do share them on my gallery, too, but I want to be able to reach more people out there ;-)
If you have any good pictures or sources of good house plans, do let me know! I might even take up a request or two, if you're patient enough to wait for me to build it
Have a great day! ♪ ♫
My Latest Updates Show All
It's been a while...Written Sep 08, 2019
Hello everyone! Thank you for visiting my profile. I would also like to thank everyone who's downloading my creations and commenting on them for doing so. It really means the world to me. I love creating Lots in the Sims 4 and share them with you and while all of my builds are also on the Gallery, I know that not everyone uses it, or can use it. I know, I haven't shared... ...More
New Things Coming Soon!!Written Jun 12, 2014
Hello dear Simmers and TSR friends! I just wanted to make a small announcement, for whoever wants to read it and maybe leave a comment. As of late I have been working on a few things with TSR Workshop, that I am now going to test and then hopefully share with you guys very soon. Maybe, if you guys like my creations, I can squeeze in a little bit more time for creating new things,... ...More
Sad News! Story deleted.Written Feb 02, 2014
Hello fellow Simmers! Not sure if anyone will read this, but... I have some news about my first and only story "Just a Kiss" that I posted last year. I had been working on it, but sadly didn't have the time or energy to really play and continue the story. Sorry about that, but my studying and real life keep me rather busy at the moment, with family stuff going on and exams coming... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
ElfdorDec 23, 2017
Thank you so much for your lovely comment and Happy Holidays
SimElaineAug 24, 2017
I have this mental image of a condescending relative telling the kid they're too old for silly ghost wallpaper... but the kid is all, "But the ghosts come out at night and talk to me!" and the relative is creeped out and backs off.
Later on, the kid admits to a parent what they did; and the parent says, "Okay, that was kind of mean of you-- but it's your room, and you have the right to like what you like."
galadrijellaJun 02, 2017
Hello! I am glad you like it! I don't know the site you mentioned but I checked it now, and oh my, so many nice houses there. I personally get my inspiration on Pinterest!