blueclarity25's Blog
Creating Stories in Sims 3
I'm finding it more difficult to make a story in Sims 3. Is anyone else having that problem?
Maybe this is because the game is entirely new to me so I'm still exploring the features (I'm also enjoying the game too much to stop and take pictures as the stories develop)
I can't anticipate the sim responses yet and they're hard to capture in a picture. For some reason when I press "Pause" to take a shot, the sim's head will keep moving slowly for a split second afterwards. A weird glitch.
There are so many more locations to choose from though and so many creative possibilities. Where do you even start?
New Beginnings
This has been without a doubt the craziest year of my life. My mother was in the hospital, I lost my job, My father was in Baghdad. I had to sell my computer and Sims 2
But now my mother is back in health, My Father is back from Iraq and I made the biggest move in my life. I drove across the country from New York City to San Francisco California. It took 7 days, we stopped in different cities all along the way. From Newton Falls, Ohio to Reno, Nevada. It was an entirely new beginning and chapter in my life.
I love San Francisco, At first it was a struggle getting on my feet. I found a new job at an art university. My studio apartment is small, but the view of the city is great. I FINALLY bought a new computer this month and 2 days ago I bought SIMS 3.
I no longer have Sims 2, so sadly, I can't finish my last story... but new stories will be coming as soon as I figure out how SIMS 3 works. Everything has changed here at TSR! It's going to take some time to get used to it all.
Thank you for all your caring, kind and wonderful comments. I couldn't believe all the people that have reached out over the past year. I'm sorry that I don't have time to write back everyone individually right now... but believe me when I say it means a lot to me. I hope a lot of you are still around. missed you guys! Can't wait to check out your new stories and creations
lots of love,