brittie (341796)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (504 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Southwestern Mountainside
Published Sep 3, 2008
About Me
I've been playing the Sims since the first Sims was out. It is, by far, my favorite game. I've been "out of the game" for a while but I'm going to dive back in, starting with Sims 4 and see how it goes. Hopefully the glitches that I've heard about get fixed and I can get back into the swing of creating soon too!
I also create things outside of the Sims. Feel free to find my Salty Ducks page on Facebook and see what's happening over there. Our shop site is if you're looking for something special! Enjoy and glad to be back!!
My Latest Updates Show All
Sims 3 CreationsWritten Jun 02, 2010
Hey everybody! I've recently started playing Sims 3 and got right into designing more houses for my Sims. Currently, they are only available at . I hope to copy them over to this website soon but be sure to check them out! Happy Simming! Brittie ...More
DSL DownWritten Dec 30, 2008
Hello all, I just wanted to let you know that our internet has been out for a few days and our provider can't seem to fix the problem. On the bright side, when we get our internet back, my husband and I both have some residential lots that are ready to be uploaded. Sorry! Be back soon! Brittie WE'RE BACK!! ...More
Welcome Mr. FausWritten Dec 22, 2008
Hello everyone! Just wanted to let you all know that my husband is going to join our community. His first creation - a residential lot - will be releasing in a few days. You can check for more simple sim 2 lots here: Enjoy everyone! ...More
My Guestbook Show All
fabrizioammolloSep 21, 2010
Hi Brittie! You are very welcome! Have a nice day, F.
DirtdevillDec 24, 2009
Hello Brittie, Wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and for the New Year lots of love~joy and fun!
AlyoshaJun 17, 2009
Hey there! Thanks so much for your encouraging comments on my
creations! I really appreciate the time and effort that you took to be
able to comment! Thanks again! Alyosha