chevcobaltgirl07 (2966231)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (2 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Basic Townhouse(SmallerFileSize)
Published Feb 11, 2010
About Me
-I just started playing the Sims 2 last year. I've played the sims 1, and loved it. Don't know if I'ed play the Sims3. But as of right now my computer isn't able to play it.
-Hmmm. I live 45mins form the Oregon coast, right next to the BIG Pacific Ocean "for those who didn't know that".
-I love my car, although I have to wash it every few days. "I'll never get black again!"
-Don't know much about the whole editing thing. But I am starting to upload my houses.
-I'ed like to thank anyone who took the time to visit my site and read some of the stuff on here.
Thanks guys, ur the best!!
My Latest Updates Show All
The Little Things They Do.Written Jan 27, 2010
I've noticed on free-will mode, that my sims do funny little things. For example my sim did a "stuff face" in the fidge. How Cute!!! I don't know what other things they do. One other than I can think of, but have not seen, is they will wash the windows. Hmmmm. Comment me back if you've seen them do anything. He he. THaNKs ...More
My Guestbook Show All
agapi rFeb 23, 2010
Hi, thank you for your comment on my Natural eyes, I´m glad that you like them Have a nice day
misty4mFeb 05, 2010
Thank you i'm happy you like the dress.
HollyChappellFeb 04, 2010
Thanks for your lovely comment on my wall set - it made my day!