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cinderellimouse's Guestbook

midland_04Jun 16, 2008

Cinderellimouse, TC stands for Texture Challenge. It's hosted right here on TSR, in the forums. I've learned alot on there, as you could see on the Victorian Bedroom. I've come a long ways. You could come in and join if you'd like. It really challenges you to do the best you can on sets. It gives you an outlook on how much people like your items too, then upload them, and all you have to do is give the person in the TC credit for the textures. Hope you get your internet straightened out. Let me know if you want any help. Joe (midland_04)

twinkletoeJun 15, 2008

Happy Fathers Day to Pete!!!! Tell him it will all be for real soon enough!! \:wub\: Twinks

qvisnJun 15, 2008

Baby is 16 weeks, although she hasnt felt it moving yet, she could see it was lively on the scan. I forget you need so much rest with working full time, will you work after the baby comes or try to keep doing part time, I hope you can afford to take the time off. are you celebrating fathers day, did FB get his Daddy something.\:P

cariadbachJun 15, 2008

\:\) Don't we do some funny things when we are preggers. With my second baby my waters broke right in the middle of Marks and Spencers\:eek\: I had to have a C-section with my first baby so this was all a new experience for me\:D Luckily no one noticed\:o \:D

cariadbachJun 15, 2008

\:\) Dropping by to say Hi, hope all is well with you and FB\:D

qvisnJun 14, 2008

Are you starting your own web page? you must give us the link so we can come see. is that why i havnt seen you around lately.???\:D

drewsolteszJun 14, 2008

Thanks so much for reading and commenting on 'An Honorable Knight' I have a new story, 'Ship of Dreams' would be honored if you read and commented, cheers Cinders, love your mini-site, nicely done mate!!\:wub\:

midland_04Jun 14, 2008

So how's the web pages going? Hadn't heard from ya in a while, so I thought I would drop a line see how things were going and how ya were doing. I've been in TC recently, and have been posting new sets. Hope to hear from you soon. Midland_04 \:cool\:

Bury me deep inside your heartJun 13, 2008

Hi Cinder!!! How are you and the baby?? yes, I submited Ariel as a sim, ok I'll let you know when she be available\:\). I saw your baby's scan...WOW is very clear, I have a doubt...what it means "Flat Bob"?? sorry for my ignorance\:o Take care \;\)

twinkletoeJun 13, 2008

Thanks for the funny. My hubby will like it too. I loved FB's picture\:D Just don't put the picture through a laminator or the heat of laminator will destroy the picture. I had a friend do that\:\( Too bad about the imposter\;\) But I would have been miffed if you had a page and didn't let us know\:mad\: So I'm glad it wasn't you. I've been doing the challenges since I finished the quilt. What have you been up too?\:wub\: Twinks

hiedibear75Jun 12, 2008

Hello.\:\) Thanks again......I'm glad you liked the floor plan.\:cool\: MY Sims sure seemed to like it a lot.\;\) So how are you feeling these days?.\:confused\: Take care.\:wub\:

qvisnJun 12, 2008

A friend for FB in my blog.\:wub\:

Gumby_GirlJun 11, 2008

hi cinders \:\) What a great first photo of FB. I can't believe how clear it is! Have you got any name ideas for him yet? Yes, I can see your banner now, it's different though to the one I saw the first time. In response to your question from ages ago (sorry, have been flat out) I live about 10kms from the city, in suburbia. I live on the top of a hill with views across the river to the city and a street full of decor shops, cafes/restaurants and pubs about 1 min walk down the hill (not a good trip back after a night at the pub though) I will post a couple of pics in my blog in the next couple of days if you want to check them out. I have posted a couple of pics of Gardners Falls near my sisters place if you're interested. It was too cold for us to go swimming that day though. It's great in summer, but hard to find a spot its so crowded. Hope you and FB are well \:\)

twinkletoeJun 10, 2008

HaHa Now I can't seem to look at yellow without thinking of banana's. It just so happens that today was the field trip to the beach and it was rainy and wind gust up to 30 mph. So what did I wear? My Yellow raingear.\:D Then my hubby tells me I look like a yellow banana\:eek\: To which I couldn't help but laugh. The trip was fun but cold and rainy. I came home and made soup and hubby lit a fire in the fireplace and made hot cocoa. Yum.. The local radio station is calling this month Junuary (mixing June and Jan. lol). Where is summer? Being outside today I feel like I am coming down with something. Off to bed to ward it off.\;\) Glad you set things straight with Heidi. Where is our pic of your little prego belly? I'll bet you take a cute prego picture\;\) How else are you doing?

TrailRunner782Jun 10, 2008

HAHAHA I love your idea about sending pizzas to my boss' house! lol We just don't wear them... they know that no matter how many times they tell us, we're still not going to do That's really creepy about that guy calling you about your undies!! People are weird. It's good that you can't feel FB yet but hopefully all those jellybeans aren't going to give him ADD! \:D I've never been pregnant but I have a feeling I will be eating endless pints of ice cream.haha Oh wait, I already do that... lol \;\)

midland_04Jun 9, 2008

Cinderellimouse, You'd love it out here then. We got a mountain range in front of us, and behind us. We just kind of sit peacefully in a little valley. If you want to see pics, you can go here. I wish there was some way we could hook up on the net and help ya. You could still email me, and pass on info that way if you want, and I could put down a couple of sample pages in the site for you to take a look at. Or email them to you, and you can upload them. Something to give you an idea what the coding should look like. I got a couple of html cheat sheets that I made up that would be helpful also, from color codes to how to create a table. I could also email them to you. Anything I can do to help. Anyways, I'm almost 3/4 the way to my mini-site, it's actually about 2/3rds. and uploading new creations. Hope you get time to look. I'll let you know on the mini. Midland_04 \:cool\:

qvisnJun 9, 2008

Its been a scorcher here today,sunburn weather.\:eek\: Now you will feel the heat in your condition, invest in a paddling pool so you can sit with your feet in it.\:P

hiedibear75Jun 9, 2008

Witches are supposed to be able to make potions, cast spells, and create some items that ONLY THEY CAN.\:ph34r\: There was a loud minority of players during the Sims 1 that pitched a I'm just thankful they're doing ANYTHING magic.\:D I'm sorry I thought I'd given you my e-mail already.\:o I'll PM you with it.\;\) I'm excited about the infants being more animated too.\:cool\: I always have a ton of family sims so this will make them all VERY happy. I bet if you run Clean Pak it'd say thousands & thousands.\:P It's amazing how fast files add up.\:eek\: Hope to hear from you soon.\:wub\: Thanks for your help.......big long cross-Atlantic hugs.\:wub\:

hiedibear75Jun 9, 2008

Heya.\:wub\: Have you seen the videos and articles about the new EP Apartment Life yet? It's got witches!!!\:rah\: I'm so excited!\:D My Birth Day is August 17th and the EP comes out only a week or so afterwards.........Happy Birth Day to me(and the rest of the Sims2 playing world \:P LOL ).\:rah\: \:wub\: \:rah\: \:cool\: \:rah\:

midland_04Jun 8, 2008

BTW, I got some new computers in that I've been working on, so I've been getting on a litle later, so I'll try and get back to you asap. Midland_04 \:cool\:

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