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cinderellimouse's Guestbook

hiedibear75May 27, 2008

Poor Cinders don't go through too many boxes of tissues watching cooped up chickens.\;\) \:cool\: I'm only kidding you cuz I know how those hormones make you twice as upset as you'd have been prior too. \;\) I'm against any animal being mistreated.......even if it's one destined for the dinner table.\:P Take care.\:wub\:

cariadbachMay 27, 2008

\:\) You did a great job with you banner\:rah\: Nice to see your mini site when I came back from my week-end away\:rah\:

drewsolteszMay 26, 2008

Cheers cinders, for the lovely comment in my guestbook about 'An Honorable Knight" I am so pleased you liked it, cheers mate!!~~Karen\:wub\:

midland_04May 26, 2008

Cinderellimouse, No problem on posting your blog. I already knew I could only do one poll a day and get points, I've also been posting in guestbooks until I quit getting points, rating downloads, and thanking artists until I stop getting points. I've uploaded my own creations, which gives points, rate and comment on screenshots. I don't have the $$ to subscribe as I'm on SSI and barely cover bills, so hard way it is. I'm only a little over 100 points from being half way! \:rah\: BTW thanks for the bookmark and signing my guestbook. Midland_04 \:cool\:

sallyhailsMay 26, 2008

Hiya, thanks for the comment on my house\:D I love your banner, you've done a great job on it, perfect\;\)

hiedibear75May 26, 2008

I saw it here on TSR the same day I wrote you about it......just look under sets.\:cool\:

TrailRunner782May 26, 2008

That's ok, I was in a dingy bar tonight!hehe It's right near work so all the bartenders go there when we want to We get free beer so it's worth it. \:\) There were a few guys there tonight but no one I'd want to take home to meet the parents if you know what I mean.hehe

pretty_babyMay 26, 2008

KATE MOSS!! you rule. i love her she is so great and her style ahh she is a fashion icon!! no matter how many looosers she dates..she is awesome!!

KarieMay 26, 2008

Whoops, I forgot to tell you about the camera mod. It's on Mod The Sims2 under gun mod. It over writes the camera that comes with the game and it's WAY better! You can build so much more in a neighborhood with it too, because it gives you the whole block. For example, if you go to Wolfsim68's page, she has a bunch of "hoods". There are roads all over the place and with the gun mod (camera mod), you can play right up to the edge of the neighborhood if you want. Also, it allows you to zoom in very close (all the close ups on my page are with it). It's the best mod in the whole game, really and very easy to use. I don't know why it's called gun mod, because it has nothing to do with a gun! I think it might be the guys name or something. If you need help, let me know and I will help you get it/set it up or if I can't help, Laurie or Hiedi can.\:wub\:

qvisnMay 25, 2008

Pick you up in an hour.\:P Yes i saw sally's house, i got it already, thats how i decided theres enough room for us.LOL your banner looks stunning, just perfect, i am still not happy with mine and will have to try something else, i want to keep my butterfly though.we always get racial fights here on carnival night, thats why i wont take my kids, its usually ok early in the day but im not risking it.The crazy pirates were ok and serbia was great, but its too political to enjoy now, i think i will ban it next year. sorry you didnt get to go out but you have responsibilities now,( sound like a parent now).you have to always put FB first. have you had as much rain as us today, its still raining now, \:rolleyes:

twinkletoeMay 25, 2008

Wow you figured out the banner Cool\:cool\: I might have questions for ya. I went up to Lake Quinault again but....I'm back early\:\( Was up most of the night with some bug that gives you swollen glands in your neck and pain\:\( Back in to town to get meds. You are too sweet putting me in your blog. I'm excited to see what everyone will want me to create. I feel up to the challenge.\:wub\: Twinks

qvisnMay 25, 2008

I have arranged for us to go to sally's and have some sun, chuck some stuff in a carrier bag and i will pick you up.\:P

Bury me deep inside your heartMay 25, 2008

Hi Cinder!!! It's Lime (a character from an anime called "Saber Marionette"), I'm glad you like my avi\:\). I'm fine, thanks for ask me, how are you \:confused\:. I heard from my brother you're pregnant...congratulations for you and Pete \:rah\: Recently I've been done some new creations and a lot of exercise, how about you??. I've just senn that your banner is missing, why? Hope ypu can fix it soon \:\). Take care \;\)

qvisnMay 25, 2008

Yes i watched it. I know why Russia won, the singer PHEW!! Hot stuff he was for sure, he had my vote.\:wub\: Have PMd you about the banner. Your bathtub sounds ok but i think it will be a tight fit for 4 of us.LMAO\:P Its raining so Dave is going to drop the girls in town, they will have a big mac and go to the cimema, peace for me to play all afternoon. The local carnival is on monday and the rain has been coming down in torrents, it got rained off last year, well that meant no stabbings which is good, its not a thing i take my precious girls to.\:eek\:

Gumby_GirlMay 25, 2008

Congratulations!!! Your minisite looks great, love your banner it looks really cool. Sorry haven't been around much, new job is almost as bad as my old one with the long hours. How are you and the little one going?

KarieMay 24, 2008

Hello, fellow MINIsite owner!\:P I was just laughing at some of the comments on some of my posted pictures of a Pregnant sim. There have been a couple of references to you, lol! I hope all is well, talk to you later! \:wub\:

hiedibear75May 24, 2008

Glad you like the home so much. \:wub\: Thank you for taking the time to leave me a comment on made me giggle.\:wub\: Funny pix of the fish on the wall. \:P Take care.\:wub\:

twinkletoeMay 24, 2008

You did a poll\:rah\: \:rah\: How was it to figure out?

Ame-CMay 24, 2008

It was a pleasure, congratulations, enjoy your NEW minisite!!!!!!\:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\:

hiedibear75May 24, 2008

I saw somebody has made a Cinderella bedroom set. \;\)

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