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cinderellimouse's Guestbook

twinkletoeApr 29, 2008

I want to see your sim you and family too.\:D

twinkletoeApr 29, 2008

I didn't know bluebells were in danger as well. I've been treating them like a weed\:eek\: Good thing I didn't get out to the garden lately. How's your little "sweet pea" doing? A pm to you\:wub\: Twinks

qvisnApr 29, 2008

No bottom burps, BLUEBELLS! where did you get that from?\:P I saw on tv today that its milk that gives you spots, not pizza, I have made the sim and i have to go into the game to test her out, just have to make her fat first. LOL. I dont remember seeing your simself, have you still got it? I need some wrinkles for my sim but i cant find any.\:eek\:

qvisnApr 29, 2008

I am trying to make a sim of me for my avi, the butterfly is a stand in. you are not the only one to think im a boy, if i looked like that i would stay in with the mirror all the time.\:P I read somewhere that you said you are not pretty, SUCH A LIE! you must be joking! Will pm you.\:D

qvisnApr 29, 2008

Hey! wheres my naked skydivers then?\:P Cinders IS pretty...Cinders IS pretty...Cinders IS pretty...Cinders IS pretty...Cinders IS pretty...Cinders IS pretty...Cinders IS pretty...Cinders IS pretty...Cinders IS pretty...Cinders IS pretty...Cinders IS pretty...Cinders IS pretty...Cinders IS pretty...Cinders IS pretty...\:D \:D \:D

LaurieRApr 29, 2008

Ok, now I am posting some lame comment because I see you need one more to reach 1,000 GB signings. I figured I would be the one to give it to you!!! Have a great day!!!!\:D

LaurieRApr 29, 2008

So you're the one that sent the naked skydivers!!\:o I showed it to my mother-in-law. She thought it was pretty funny!\:D I was laughing my butt off!\:D

LaurieRApr 29, 2008

YES YES YES!! That is so me!! My wonderful kids drive me nuts!!!! Love them but they are waaaaaaaay too hyper or fussy.\;\) \:D

sallyhailsApr 29, 2008

I'm sure you are\:D I wish I was as pretty as mine\:P

KarieApr 29, 2008

Oh my gosh! WE LOVED the skydiving one!! I even sent it off to my mom and she PRETENDED to be shocked. I am sure that she is not shocked and watched it a time or two to see "it" move. I know we did. Sorry, by skydiving naked like that...well ya gotta take a second look!\;\) \:P \:D Keep your fingers crossed that we get through the end of the month ok! I tweeked my foot in the gym today, so..I don't know!! It's still kind of hurting! \:rolleyes: I quit working out when it started hurting and missed using 4 more machines. Oh well. I am happy that this "biggest loser" thing at work is done as of today. We had our final weigh in, but I didn't really lose weight (which I knew) but I lost INCHES. Like 2 of them in my hips! So, even though I know I didn't win the contest, I still won because I learned some healthy things AND that working out isn't going to kill me (however, my foot is not agreeing with me at the didn't like the 135 lbs of leg presses, I guess!). Keep sending the funnies. I haven't gotten to many really good ones to forward lately, but..when I get them, I'll send them on!!\:wub\:

twinkletoeApr 29, 2008

No massage. But lots of other wonderful ways to spend my day.\:D I went on two hikes, watched kids play on the lake shore, took a boat ride with the scenic snow covered mountains and the evergreen fir trees. I had a beautiful day and a wonderful dinner and cake made for me!! Lots of gazing done at the lake that day.\:wub\: Twinks

hiedibear75Apr 29, 2008

I've been having computer issues for a while now. Just after Halloween last year MY laptop died so I had 2 send it over seas for repairs (don't ask me why I bought it in the US \:confused\: ); it got damaged in the shipping back & forth then had to be fixed yet again! \:mad\: During all that time Mike (Karie's aka IRL Karen hubby & he is my best-friend + takes care of me) lent me HIS laptop. When I finally got MINE back I was able to have cc with Bon Voyage but as soon as I put in Free Time my game kept crashing and I couldn't have ANY cc what so ever. \:eek\: So now I'm juggling between 2 computers but I still can't have it all(All EP's SP + CC and recolors \:mad\: ). Laurie can have some cc but not many meshes.......then Karie on the other hand gets to have it all. \:mad\: So I've been trying to get EA to help luck. I was trying to run it with NOTHING to see if I would be able to play with out uninstalling and reinstalling all the time........ehhh(buzzer sound) nope. \:confused\: I've gone to all the self help pages and did everything EA suggested.....still no dice. So I was playing FT Maxis ONLY on one......& only with BV & earlier but with cc. Well take care. \:wub\:

qvisnApr 29, 2008

I'm looking forward to the IBS!!! \:eek\: \:eek\: \:eek\: I dont think so.\:P

qvisnApr 28, 2008

dropped me on my head again!! I think your right, he does'nt want to babysit.LOL Us older ones are all falling to bits, i could give you a list.\:D

drewsolteszApr 28, 2008

Hi Cinders, you might want to double check, Aikea stepped down as FA, her stuff might be free now, check it out! And your welcome mate!!\:wub\:

drewsolteszApr 28, 2008

Hi Cinders! thanks so much for the kind message in GB! The gown are from "All about Style" Aidan's suits are from Aikea here at TSR. The poses are from a hack at MTS2 by Decorgal, All kinds of great poses for males and females! The furniture I got here at TSR from Cashcraft and some from VitaSims, hope this helps, cheers mate!~~Karen\:\)

pretty_babyApr 28, 2008

hows things going on your side of the fence?? you know..i owould love to see more clothing from you!!!! make more you have great style\:\)

twinkletoeApr 28, 2008

I'm home!! It was a beautiful and lovely day\:wub\: Twinks

cariadbachApr 26, 2008

\:\) Just to let you know I have a new poll on my page. If you want the extra quick kudos pop on over. Don't forget you can only do one poll per day\:D

hiedibear75Apr 26, 2008

I'm sorry.........I thought you knew. \:o Well I'll be changing it soon and when I do I'll be sure and stop by & let you know. \:cool\: So how's our newest mumsie feeling? \:confused\: Take care. \:wub\:

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