clmeow (140984)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (1 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Purple Castle 2
Published Apr 27, 2010
About Me
I have a couple cats, live with my parents, and am old enough to know better. I am single and happy with it. I like to play the Sims any time I get a chance and I don't go online to play WoW. I live in the Washington DC area, and have most of my life.
c l is for Cat Lady. I am cat crazy. I collect cat things and look for cat things here also.
My Guestbook Show All
mutskeSep 05, 2020
Hi Cat Lady, As it seems, none of the cc windows, doors and arches are working, not only mine. I hope we are able to update but we have to have patience cause we need software to do this. Just keep your fingers crossed.
SIMcredible!Mar 30, 2015
Hello, Cat Lady ☆␣☆ We are glad you enjoy our set ⁰◡⁰ thanks for your comment! Wish you have a happy simming time ~◡◉
SIMcredible!Mar 18, 2015
Hello ☆‿☆ We are glad you enjoyed our Arden set Thank you for take your time commenting! Wish you have a very happy simming ◕‿◕