cooney (3269891)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (40 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Glenview Splendor - 2br, 3ba
Published Jul 8, 2011
About Me
My life is busy. It seems that most my days are 2 days long,"and some of them are." When I can sit down, I like to do so in front of TS3. I like to build houses, then let my Sims live there," just to test livability". I've played the Sims every since the first one came out, and plan to play as many as Ea can come up with. Because, at the end of the day, this is just what I do. Please... feel free to comment on my creations or maybe even stop to say hello in my guestbook. Thanks for visiting.
My Latest Updates Show All
NON-TSR content!Written Jun 30, 2011
As you may already know, I often include content from other sites, in my lot uploads here at TSR. I recently downloaded a lot from somewhere else that had awesome content in it, but that content did not come through. PLEASE!!! If anyone has downloaded any of my lots and had this problem, let me know about it so I can further understand what content to include and what to leave out! I always... ...More
My computer is in the shop.Written Apr 03, 2011
So... I guess I'll be taking a short break from lot building untill the repairs are done. But I will be back. ...More
It could be awhile.Written Nov 12, 2010
Even though I've had Late Night for a couple of weeks, I am only now getting the time required to check it out. I will most likely do what I do, and rebuild EVERYTHING,but only because I can't help myself. That's just my favorite part of the game. So... Off I go. ...More
My Guestbook Show All
srgmls23Dec 24, 2013
May magic fill your days and all your dreams come true
Wishing you and those around you a very merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year!! Hugs Sérgio
Ray_SimsDec 23, 2013
Happy Holidays!
Wishing you an abundance of friends, happiness, and very best for the new year! and thank you for wonderful feedback and creations for this year
srgmls23Dec 24, 2012
Christmas, a time of peace, light,
of joy and fond memories.
Time when we remember our childhood full of fantasies,
expectations imbued with love and longing.
Time in which we relive the love of our parents,
the warmth of family and all your loved ones
that marked our lives positively.
Merry Christmas to you and your family
And the New Year, 2013 bring you all the best .... S�rgio