dancingaphrodite (779133)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (430 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Dancing Dragons Dining
Published Aug 4, 2006
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Wow! I just checked in for a minute and there were 96 comments! Since I can't thank all of you individually, I hope this will suffice. I really do appreciate all the wonderful comments and I wish I could still be making things for Sims but, unfortunately, life has other plans right now. Maybe someday in the future. Until then, happy simming!
My Latest Updates Show All
Last setWritten Aug 23, 2006
Unfortunately this current set I'm working on will be my last. I will try my best to bring it to you in a timely fashion but, due to those pesky real life issues, I'm not going to be able to do anymore recolors. I just want to thank everyone for their support and kind words. It's been a lot of fun and I hope the things I've been able to make bring everyone a little bit of enjoyment. ...More
Small PreviewWritten Aug 22, 2006
I've been playing around with the gothic theme and thought I'd give you a little preview of what I have so far. I have the fireplace and walls but the fireplace is still a work in progress. I think I overdid the "carved" marble and will have to make some changes with that and, right now it is kind of cream colored. It may end up being a lot more desaturated. I still have quite a bit of work... ...More
Gothic!Written Aug 19, 2006
It's a word I've heard frequently lately. Seems it's something several people want so... for my next set, all I'll say is " Gothic ". ...More
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slimsadie54Feb 07, 2016
thank you for your nice response I love all your work i love them all you are so talented
DOTDec 18, 2008
.:¨:.~Happy Holidays to you and yours! ~.:¨:.~ Wishing Peace And Chocolate For The World!~.:¨:.
charrayDec 15, 2008
I love your creations Wonderful job and thanks for sharing them Keep up the good work