daphney1230 (3078382)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (17 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Beyonce Knowles
Published Nov 23, 2010
About Me
Hello everybody, I welcome you to read, comment, and rate my stories...
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Thank you and much love.....
My Latest Updates Show All
NewsLetter (July 2013)- I'M STILL HERE Written Jul 25, 2013
Hey everybody, I just want to let you know that I am still here and I am still making stories. I know it has been a while since you seen another chapter of "Emotions Run Deep" from me, but I promise there will be another one really soon, so please keep looking out for that. Also I keep getting comments and questions about my series "The Struggles of a Wife". The comments and questions... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
taj39759Oct 16, 2013
Hey, love your chapters. Don't know if you know about this but if you put in the "hideheadlineffects on" cheat code, you can get rid of the bubbled that show over their heads. Another writer taught me that!
tamyaglassSep 07, 2013
Hey when is the next chapter of Emotions run deep
BeaSimmerAug 11, 2013
No problem! And yeah I think it's pretty good too and Im sure others feel the same