debbiemae14 (2222903)
About Me
I'm 14 My Name is deb or debbie I like deb more)I Love music I love talking to people online and off I'm a nice person to get along with I love animals I have a loving and caring boyfriend that I really love I have A LOT of Best friends I have A LOT online friends(a couple I call my best computer friends T. and P. you don't need to know their names nosy JK) Some say i'm funny Others say i'm a real you know what Some say i'm weird Others say i'm shy (which i am till I get to know you) I like to play the sims 3 game(can't wait for the other games to come out) I just like to be random and be myself Well if you want to know more SEND ME A PM OR SIGN MY GUESTBOOK AND I WILL GET BACK TO YOU ^^
My Latest Updates Show All
My Sims3 Page Written Jul 07, 2009 you can look at my households because i upload them to that page and upload the house here Happy Siming :) ...More
How do you get things published ?!HELP PLEASE Written Jul 05, 2009
Ok I made a house and I uploaded it and it got approved but how do I get it approved ? please help ...More
About Mawh :PWritten Jun 30, 2009
About Me (Mawh) :P I love talking to people and listening to music and typing i like to write songs everyone says I have a grate singing voice but I can't sing my own songs I'm 14 i live in a small town that I HATE i wish i could move to any big city or town like IL or NY or LA but idk my family just isn't made for a big city I have an older brother he is 31 he's a very weird person xD... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
IllianaDec 23, 2009
Hi there Debbie! This holiday season I wish you joy, I wish you happiness, but most of all I wish you love! - Illiana
IllianaJul 10, 2009
Hi Debbiemae! Please forgive this ungrateful ol' bat for taking so blasted long to thank you for the amazing comment you left on the Sutters Pond lot! All I can say is "Real Life". Yup. That pretty much sums it up. LOL! Anyhoo, I am just tickled that you liked the lot, and do hope you and sims have a great time playing the house! Thanks again! Love and hugs - Illiana
LaubhaufenxpJul 09, 2009
Hi ya,thank u 4 ur comment