dltn43 (1424731)
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Paintings Superset 022 includes...
Published Mar 14, 2010
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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!Written Dec 27, 2010
I hope/wish that everyone had a wonderful Christmas with their family and freinds this year! Lots of love to all with bunches of hugs! :) ...More
New Sets from The Sims 3 store out today.Written Apr 29, 2010
New set available for the Sims3. Looks as there will be two different sets. One for the US and one for the UK. Found this while at SnootySims and Simsprograms. The UK set was free and the US one is not up for download yet. The sets are called "The Sims 3 Renault/Toyota Electric Vehicle Pack and EV/Eco Set" I was able to download the UK set when I logged into my account although I... ...More
Found a new free dress at the Sims3 store.Written Feb 22, 2010
I have been searching out other Sims3 sites earlier and Evanell's site had a post about a free dress at the Sims3 store that was posted on 02/17/2010 in Evenell's news section. Strange thing is that without clicking the link to the store I was unable to find it on my own. It doesn't appear to be anywhere in the store when going though each and every category and age for... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
SinastraOct 25, 2022
Hi Diana, thank you for your sweet comment that you left on my guestbook 13 years ago. I honestly don't remember why I left TSR, but it means a lot that you left a message to see if I was okay. I don't know if you'll ever see this, but I just wanted to let you know I'm ok. \:wub\:
theeaaxApr 29, 2021
Thank you so much for the comment ♡ Means alot to me ^^
ChloeMMMJun 11, 2018
Thanks for your comment!