dpdoyle (777250)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (21 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Fairview Court CC free
Published Aug 21, 2011
About Me
I'm married with 3 gorgeous children.
I first got into the sims when a work colleague told me that he played the sims.
He made it sound so good that I went a got a copy.
I've been hooked, or rather obsessed, ever since.
The only pack I was missng was apartment life only because my laptop wouldn't have been able to cope with it.
I now have a custom built pc especially for the sims 3 so I can download and install as much as I want! YAY!!
I'm also an author!
My Latest Updates Show All
My creations.Written Dec 30, 2010
I really love making stuff for the sims 3, especially tattoos. Now, I don't even begin to think that I own any picture that I use for my tattoos (unless I draw them or they are given to me) but none of my tattoos are to be re-uploaded without my permission, especially to the exchange. The reason for this is that whilst I spend a good 2 hours or more editing a picture, changing it to RGB... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
meowmeowmotherfuckerSep 30, 2018
BEOMay 17, 2013
You are welcome! Thank you for the comment!
whisperingsimApr 30, 2013
Thank you for your comment on my Fae Cottage. It is muchly appreciated.