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dudette00900's Guestbook

moore100856Feb 25, 2006

Thanks for the child mesh. It added a "tween" age to the game, which is cool. Hope you continue your work ,as you have a talent for it. Thanks

Yokoshima_JuggaletteFeb 3, 2006

Hey just came by to say how wonderful all your stuff is. This just goes to show age has no say in a creator's talent. Sorry about your meshing problem, Im just getting into meshing myself, in fact, I still have to download Milkshape and Simpe. So why cant you get milkshape anymore? I wish I could help!\:\(

dudette00900Oct 25, 2005

Hey anyone who bothers to read this-! I'm seriously depressed because of some meshing issues. I can't get Milkshape anymore- and this seems to the the only compatible program (with SimPE and the Meshtool) ---for clothing/hair meshes. I have Wings 3D and Blender, and guess I just have to wait until someone (or myself..?) figures out how to use one of these awesome other programs. If anyone knows any good advice- PLEASE TELL ME! I REALLY miss meshing... tear! And I had just began... \:\(

oldmember_BigdeckOct 25, 2005

Hi, I am sort of curious about how I resemble your neighbour. Perhaps I have a double. I live in Ottawa, home of the Senators, but luckily I'm a diehard Canadiens fan. I refuse to turn. I'm also a Sims fanatic. All 1 and 2. It makes the game really fun when individuals like yourself create unique designs to dress our Sims with. I like your stuff alot. Now that your expanding into meshing, I will be anxious to see what you'll come up with. Keep me posted, like to hear how you are progressing. Take care, Bigdeck

dudette00900Sep 7, 2005

Wow. I feel like I overreacted quite a bit...\:o so yes. Thanks to anyone who supported/s me. It makes me feel so loved!\:wub\: LOL just kidding. Maybe? Anyway- i'm in an auesomely happy mood, as I finished a new adult female dress mesh and a recolor. I have homecoming coming up (in school) and I started to design the dress I want, but got carried away. \:ph34r\: This is a little over the top for a school dance, but it works for just about anything else. Well, not really, but if you like then it does. Heh- i'm ranting about this here because it DEFINENTLY wouldn't fit in the description box for my creation. So0- thank you and if you don't like me go away! Cheers! Oh- i'll put up a picture of my dress as the download won't arrive for 2 days- or something like that \:D)

hippiebillSep 6, 2005

Just read some of the other entries in your guestbook. Sorry! Some people just have a problem with cranial-rectum inversion. Beauty and ugliness is strictly in the mind. To attribute any type of sexuality to these characters is ludicrous. Remember the definition of "doll" is a sexless plaything, and this game is nothing more than electronic paper dolls. My rant is over. Love your things.\:D

hippiebillSep 6, 2005

You've done a good thing here. \:rah\: Keep up the good work...but don't neglect your studies. Remember, this is just a game. Keep it fun.\:cool\:

imposterAug 29, 2005

no prob. i think its fantastic....better then anything i've done lol.

dudette00900Aug 27, 2005

Well i'm sorry to anyone who thinks i'm a petaphile for going against your morals or whatever else, but I was just creating for the fun of it, not becuase I wanted sexy little children. My meshes aren't making children disgusting, they're simply curvier. Not all kids are the same- and you should understand that. If you can't- well i'm sorry. And if you think i'm some creepy old guy- well I know i'm not but thats obviously not enough for you. Sorry. I've gotten some hurtful comments, PMs, and then this, so I really don't feel like creating any more. I'm going to take a break, so if I really feel like creating in a week or 2 I might, but I'm just sick of people telling me i'm sick. Okay? I'm only 15. And yeah I doubt you'll believe anything i'm saying but that's your own problem. Anyone who sees my meshes in a sexual way is pretty sick to me. So, if you're someone who sees them like I do, as a more realistic child, kudos to you. For anyone who comes here to leave me a mean message- go tell someone who still cares. Because I really don't anymore.

PoAug 27, 2005

Yeah, I know this is "just" a game as opposed to real life, but a child abuser doesn't view children, even sim kids, the same way a normal person does. And when this attempt to sexualize even a graphic representation of a child goes unchallenged, it gives any potiential pedaphiles the impression that to think like this is acceptable. Sorry for the rant. But you're still sick.

PoAug 27, 2005

The only people that are interested in putting little boobies on 8-10 year old girls are pedaphiles. Sorry babe, your perversions are showing. Oh, did you know that once someone gets entered into the FBI complaint data base, their name never gets removed?

lipglassAug 26, 2005

WHAT! i cant belive im the first to write in youre guestbook, you deserve more than just one entry! i think all your stuff is gorgeous! i really love it and i think you should keep up the work, who knows one day you could be the new number 1 on the creators list! ure doin brill! xxxx\:D

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