ebilorangemissy (249445)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (2 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Double Duplex
Published Feb 14, 2009
About Me
Been simmin' since the first Sims. Miss making magic, that was one of my favorites!
I am divorced player in Michigan, USA. I have a sweet black kitty and I currently work in insurance.
My Latest Updates Show All
Sims 4!Written May 29, 2014
Wow, it has been a while! TSR has changed a little since I was last on. I like the way the VIP has changed. I am so excited for Sims 4!!! I've dreamed of Sims that look like real people, have downloaded Sims that look like real people, but making Sims that look like real people has elluded me. I get frustrated with sliders and hacks and my inability to make it... ...More
Lost In Left FieldWritten Mar 07, 2009
Sorry I disappeared for a while... I just celebrated my 23rd birthday (or maybe I should say worried about it) =P I'll doing some more building here pretty soon, right now I'm taking the Curious Family in Strangetown to all kinds of messiness. lol They were all abducted once or twice and have a bunch of alien little ones. I like how my game chose custom content hair for the... ...More
Idea Strike: Flip This HouseWritten Feb 20, 2009
I suddenly had an idea strike to do a story of Flip This House from the channel TLC. If the first episode does well, then I will make and post more episodes. What I am going to do is take one of the default homes, and go through the process of remodeling it with pictures and captions. Our hostess for all these shenanigans: Missi Marie, a single woman with some big ideas and a... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
Sims4LuxuryAug 05, 2022
It's all my pleasure ☺ Big thanks to you ❤😘
PralinesimsJan 03, 2019
Thaaaaaaaaank you so much! Happy New Year ♥
S-ClubJan 02, 2019
Thank you so much, wish you all the best for 2019!