
78Creations 104,246Downloads

erwinsims's Guestbook

merritt99Jan 23, 2012

ughh i mean great job sorry im relly tured

merritt99Jan 23, 2012

lol sorry i really manen grute shob

merritt99Jan 23, 2012

i ment graet cob

merritt99Jan 23, 2012

greaqt jkopb

CyclonesueJan 20, 2012

I loved the message you left for me in my guestbook, Erwin! Thank you so much! I'm especially glad you liked the London Arches because I did have a "what am I DOING?!" moment with that set, as it's not in keeping with most Sim styles of creation, but it's something I wanted to make. I did think about the viaduct matching fence and for the life of me I cannot remember the reason why I didn't. It's an age thing. \:wub\: Sue

simsjeanieJan 2, 2012

Dear Erwinsims, I'm just dropping in to say that I hope you had a great Christmas Time and a wonderful start into the New Year! \:wub\: My own wish for the New Year was to visit TSR and all the great people I met here again and so - here I am, leaving some late x-mas cookies on your doorstep for you to enjoy! Hugs from Jeanie! \:wub\:

AngelaDec 16, 2011

Merry Christmas and a happy Newyear, may your life be filled with Love, Joy and Happyness

katalinaAug 3, 2011

Let me be the first to wish you a very Happy Birthday\:rah\: \:rah\: , May you get some great goodies, sunshine day and above all a truck load of chocolate, your choice of course lol..\:D

Alxandra78Jun 17, 2011

Hi Erwin! Im so glad you liked my add-on set to the Rise High the Window. It was my first try on windows, and my first try on making an add-on, it was a lot of hard work, try and error, until I figured out the best way (for me) to do them. So after all that hard work, it feels good to hear they are good enough to actually be used \:D I have ideas for more stuff, windows included, but first I need to get the matching shutters done. I have been playing with Gen instead of creating lately...

CrimsonViscosity May 18, 2011

There is little I can say that others have not. You are a fantastic creator and as an artist you are definetly growing. The lots you create stand out as one of a kind and not many others create in the style for which you do. Thank you for sharing your abilities with us and enhancing our games in the process!

swmeekApr 26, 2011

Hey Erwin what's up? How dare you hide eggs in my cluttered house I'll never find them! LOL

simsjeanieApr 26, 2011

Dear Erwin, thank you so much for your lovely Easter wishes! I loved to read them and I feel sorry that I couldn't post my Easter wishes for you in time (due to that broken not working internet connection). I hope you had a great time, too, and a lot of chocolate \:wub\: And no, I didn't spend my day hiding all the lovely Easter eggs (my dogs would have carried them away more quickly than I could have hidden them anyway \;\)  ) but with eating them - all of them! Yummie! Here comes a late little chocolate bunny especially for you - wearing a spring green ribbon with a tiny brass bell on it! Have a great time, dear, and lots of hugs and kisses from Jeanie, always following the growing of your hood! \:wub\:

DOTApr 24, 2011

~ O ~Happy Easter ~ O ~ 

AngelaMar 25, 2011

Graag gedaan hoor \:D ik hoop dat je er veel plezier van zult hebben \:wub\:

KrissMar 8, 2011

I forgot one more thing.  Your lots are excellent, fantastic, superb...OK, I will stop the superlatives for now. I need them for future projects. \:D

KrissMar 8, 2011

Hi! I forgot to say thanks in the PM so I am making it up for it now. \:D

fredbrennyMar 1, 2011

Hoi Erwin! Leuk dat je even langskwam in mijn gastenboek! Bedankt voor je berichtje! Kleine wereld is het toch hè? \:D 

katalinaFeb 27, 2011

Hi erwinsims\:D  I thought I would come visit you..  Ah, you are Dutch and I bet you are very tall LOL.  I have been to the Netherlands and Germany when I was in the military so I know how tall you can be.. I really liked both countrys as they were clean, lots of windmills throughout the country and very lush green moss, oh and the pretty lacy curtains in the windows. I've been enjoying playing the Katalina and wanted you to know that.\:D

gissenceJan 9, 2011

Thanks so much for the wonderful compliment you paid toward my Ediface Blocks.

AnnieBooSep 28, 2010

Hey! My sims 3 would love to live in your Rose Red....

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