fleurbleue (1818770)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (6 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Ocean Blue
Published Jun 1, 2011
About Me
My name is Denisa, I'm a 26 years old Romanian girl, living not far from Paris with my husband. I'm Pisces, I love water of all kinds (I can't even do the dishes without lots and lots of water) I love forests, I am addicted to books, I want to be a writer when I grow up, I love sleeping and sunny days. I wish Tolkien elves existed, I don't smoke (anymore), I do not collect butterflies, nor men, I just got married, I don't like rudeness and fights of any kind, I don't like cold unless there is snow, I'm afraid of planes and of speaking in public and I like to cook if I don't have to do the dishes afterwards. I'm also a photographer wannabe (http://chrysilla.deviantart.com).
My Guestbook Show All
SerpentrogueAug 13, 2012
awww thank you so much I am so happy that you like them. Have a wonderful week
irene_busyNov 26, 2011
Hei! Sorry for answering so late, I haven't been very active recently , I'm trying to come back. However you can download the mesh here http://www.box.net/shared/7yzxm9tl32 if you can't find the site. Happy simming and thanks for the comment. All the best, Irene
fleurbleueMar 23, 2011
Hi martoele Sorry I didn't answer, I was caught with school and work. I will check out the storypod and if for some reason I can't get it on, I will put you the links here.
Thank you for my first guestbook message ever