frankisorange (3034833)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (32 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Willow (Teen)
Published May 16, 2011
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murfeelApr 16, 2011
I'm back! Omg, I think I downloaded every pose pack out there; you read my mind! lol You were right; people are making poses left and right, and I snatched them all up! LOL They are going to come in REALLY handy for screenshots, and I'm so relieved we got Poses back! And as a vampire lover, I personally love the eerie glowing eyes. So sexy
murfeelApr 08, 2011
Yup! That's what I do, I have an external hard drive with an extra 500 GB, so all of my important stuff is on the HD while all of my Sims stuff stays on my compter, given free reign to choke the life out of all my RAM! LOL Oh gosh, another day, another 100+ installed CC I just can't wait to start getting a few EPs! I can just IMAGINE the strain that will put on my pc, having MORE sim games! LOL Anyways, I need to get back to work! Talk to you soon, and Happy Simming!
murfeelApr 07, 2011
Hi! I'm glad to be first to sign your GB and welcome you to TSR! Yup, I'm a CC Junkie . I can't help it--I think I'm registered at over 30 or so CC sites including TSR, and I have this phobia o liking somethng but not needing it, and leaving it there, only to come back to the site later when I DO need CC, only to find that the daggone site's been shut down or purged or something! *facepalm* That irritates me to NO end, so I finally decided that if I see it and it want it then I'm going to take it, just in case. My computer hates my guts now, but it'll get over it. Hopefully.