![Sims 2 — As seen on.. Lindsay Lohan by gilysse — I don't really like her and I didn't plan to make any dress of her but](https://www.thesimsresource.com/scaled/291/w-257h-450-291626.jpg)
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I don't really like her and I didn't plan to make any dress of her but my "sort of" best sim friend "Minta_Doyle" asked for it and since she's so kind towards me and thought I'd make it as a favour. Model Lindsay Lohan by Jirka. For the dress, go: http://img296.imageshack.us/img296/4808/laylindsaylohangs1.jpg
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/441169
ItemID: 441169
Don't forget the gown mesh by WDS BriAnna.
Credits: WDS BriAnna, Jirka, Minta_Doyle (for inspiring)
- Type: Whole
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