goldypuppydog (3587375)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (8 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Kitty Face Costume Makeup for...
Published May 24, 2011
About Me
Hey, Goldie here! I'm a sixteen year old girl from New York, New York, and I'm new to Sims 3 item making and stuff. Currently I do computer graphics, coding, photography, pencil drawing, and tons of other things I can't remember. I also love exercise and running!
My Guestbook Show All
tailahchapmanJun 12, 2011
Hello, thanks for you're comment on my Floral Playsuit, glad you like it and funny that you own something very similar to it :p! Hope you had a great weekend :]
MINISZJun 10, 2011
Hi~ I am happy to see you like my creations. Hope you enjoy them. Have a good day.
hjfdkLfblfFLBMay 20, 2011
Your iteams R awesome