grandmajam_of6 (1883757)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (165 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Riverside Apartments
Published Aug 22, 2011
My Latest Community Uploads
About Me
Hello, I'm GrandmaJAM. I'm addicted to Sims2. If blame must be placed, I point the finger at my daughters, Teddy_bear719 and cat77. They bought me my first Sims game. I love the game.
As my handle suggests, I'm a grandmother to EIGHT absolutely wonderful grandchildren. I'm also an ordained minister and author when I'm not spoiling my grands rotten. Ah, the joys of grandmotherhood. It's my reward for not killing my children as teenagers.
I am currently a pastor,chef, and published author. So I feed the body by day, the soul by night, and spark creativity all the time. I also serve on the local boards for child advocacy & cancer outreach. Can we say...busy life? Other careers include: RN/Paramedic, international business consultant, teacher, and translator. I'll let you know the next time...what I want to be when I grow up.
I've been playing Sims2 about for several years now and been building unique houses for TSR exclusively...and very actively building/uploading since October 2008...and the inspirations keep flowing for more designs in Sim homes.
My Latest Updates Show All
I'm Still Alive and PlayingWritten Feb 12, 2018
I'm still here playing but not creating. A stroke in 2017 left me with one functioning side of my body ( not my dominant side unfortunately). It's too difficult to create using one hand to push three keystrokes Imagine CTRL, ALT, DEL) at the same time, but I'm still playing Sims 3. I still get comments on my Sims 2 creations. I appreciate each and every one of them. I have tons of... ...More
I'm BackWritten Feb 28, 2014
I'm back and running the builders contest again in the forum. Come join me in Sims 2 and Sims 3 forum. ...More
An Answer to My BlogWritten Feb 17, 2014
I recieved an email about my last blog post from TSR. Amazing because I thought nobody read these. It seems that there was a glitch in the TSR system that suspended my account. Whew, it seems they cared enough to send me an email. So I'm back! ...More
My Guestbook Show All
Alice-wonderDec 07, 2024
I am still in awe of your creations. They are amazing. Thank you very much.
ekinegeDec 05, 2016
Hi! Thank you so much for your lovely comment on the "Open Knit Mini Dress". Have a great week.
Margeh-75Sep 25, 2016
Thanks so much for your lovely comment!! ♥♥