haka (985144)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (5 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Woodland Manor
Published Oct 27, 2006
About Me
I am a WYSIWYG kind of person and I am always willing to help people.
My Latest Updates Show All
and so it begins...Written Oct 19, 2009
Well I took some time out of Sims 3 for a few months but I once again have been bitten by the bug and started playing. I am currently working on a new group of families that have split off of my starter. There is the parents, then 1 young adult son and 1 young adult daughter (both of them have infant sons of thier own and are either married or engaged) and then we have a second... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
SunairOct 21, 2006
So nice to see your wonderful comment again and thanks for sign up my guestbook I'm so glad hear your compliment, I'm flattered and appreciated it very much
SunairSep 11, 2006
Thanks for your nice comment and the compliment, I'm really appreciate it