henleyrocker (2604120)
About Me
hello! my names henley! you know... like the shirt... the like 4/5 inch button down one... ranges in size for the sleeves... i'm pretty sure you could find it by looking in "clothes" for sims 3.... oh nevemind >.<
anyway... i make sims for sims 3, and sims 3 only (sadly my sims 2 game broke!) so sorry sims2ers (sims-TOO-ers) sorry... i get off topic a lot xP
so if your searching for amazingly awesome sims look no further! you've found 'em! please comment, download, and bookmark me! that will keep me uploading sims (and thinking that i'm not putting them up for no reason) so... yeah. hope you like my creations! later!
(p.s. avoid the the thing that say my style is a "nudist" cause i really am... not really, i'm just messin' with ya)
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oldmember_darja121Oct 31, 2010
That hair for Lolita 2 is from mysims3blog.blogspot.com (like most of hair on my sims 3). I didn't play TS3 for so long (almoust a year) so I don't know it this site still exists. I completely returned to Sims 2 again.
oldmember_darja121Oct 02, 2010
Sorry, that I'm answering so late, but I wasn't on this page till today!. So please, if You still don't know about the hair, You refresh my memory and tell me which hair?
LorandiaSims3Aug 13, 2010
Hello Henley,
Thanks for your appreciation...