hikethekilt (764836)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (42 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Grasscloth Bedding Set
Published Jun 1, 2005
About Me
I post in Swarm and Simpixels & Graphics (ezboard.com forums) and at modthesims2.com as xanthippe1111. I love music, hobbits, and Mars bars.
My Guestbook Show All
olLewoorApr 13, 2006
OMG I LOVE YOUR SHIRLEY MANSON it's perfect. THanks so much!
SBSSarhraJun 14, 2005
Hey Zoe! ^_^ Love the downloads (esp. the bedding and the hoodie outfits...Sim Tony needed more clothes!). I hope you keep making stuff. A Billy sim, maybe?
TexKit1Jun 06, 2005
Great work! Knew you could do great clothes....love the Vans but have discovered you do great bedding also. Love the Grass Cloth Bedding. Can't wait to see it in my game. Thanks also for the Vote for Pedro shirt! Hey, you know your looking a little "buggy" in your pic!
Love ya,
Mod at the Swarm