iPhreak (7157635)
About Me
Until I learn how to create my own cc and mods (which I wholeheartedly intend to do as they look really fantastic),
I'm merely on here for gathering awesome mods from this community to add fun to my current in-game experience
so cheers to everyone for making all these wonderful mods and cc! ^^
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ArtVitalexDec 02, 2019
Hey thank you for your comment on my "Quentin Rug".
RAVASHEENNov 26, 2019
Hi iPhreak! I just recently had another comment similar to this and I tested the beds extensively and I had no issues. I also submitted it to the official TSR testers and they had no problems either. It is likely some bad CC or a mod causing the issue. I would check your other bed CC... if someone messed with the default rigging or overrode it, then it can cause issues with other CC.
iPhreakNov 26, 2019
(╯°□°)╯ ---- ( ⚆ _ ⚆ ) ----- (°ロ°)