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ianbradley26's Guestbook

jsfDec 31, 2009

Hi Ian, I did go see your wonderful house. I like how you described it and the reasons for the way you made it. I thought of you as we toured Evanston again last week! That town has such amazing older homes. I'd love to see you create one or two or a dozen \:D . Have a great new year, \:\)  judi

missy_sceeterDec 27, 2009

Hi, Thanks for commenting on my Simsdale Dr house. \:\) I'm glad you like the roof, and the interior this time. \;\) MS

DOTDec 21, 2009

~ .: Â :. ~ Wishing Peace And Chocolate For The World ~ .: Â :. ~

eviDec 17, 2009

Thank you very much for downloading from me ian\:\) I wish you  a merry Christmas and may you and your beloved ones have Peace and Health in the New Year!\:wub\:  

laivine_erunyauveDec 15, 2009

Hi again. Thanks also for commenting on my house, The Adriana. I'm glad you like it.\:\)

ShinoKCRDec 6, 2009

Hi Ian! Its so good to know that the Objects I make and have made are used in Game. Thank you for your wonderful feedback \:wub\: Huggles Renate

jsfNov 16, 2009

Hi Ian, I'm happy you like the colors of the first "Paints" set...lots of neutrals, good backdrops for amazing furnishings. Lots more of those boring things coming after a brief ParkLane redo set. \:\)  Have fun... .   .

hiedibear75Nov 4, 2009

Thank you for commenting on my screenshot of my Sim getting shocked/zapped. \:cool\:  He went to the witch doctor's hut on his island vacation with out enough mechanical points. \:ph34r\:  The car part you reffered to; in Sims they tend to have the engine blow up & make them covered in dirt but it doesn't shock them, if you meant with cars in REAL LIFE there a number of parts that can send a small shock......any part that has electricity running through it which in modern day cars is more & more parts. \:cool\:  Have a SIM-tastic day! \:\)

ShinoKCROct 8, 2009

Hi! Thank you for your wonderful and detailled Feedback on the Art Deco Dining \:\) I'm glad it looks like you imagined it \:wub\: Huggles Renate

jsfSep 16, 2009

Hi Ian, WOW! What a great roof! I came by to thank you for your comment on the ParkLaneEggI3 panels and discovered that amazing structure, its so impressive!!!  I think Sims2 will always have its fans. The only thing I've seen of Sims3 that I liked was the atmospheric lighting of the neighborhood so my copy is still unopened! Have a great week. \:\)  judi

missy_sceeterSep 9, 2009

Hi, Thanks for commenting on my Shore Point house, I'm glad you like it. \:\) MS

laivine_erunyauveSep 9, 2009

Hi! Thanks for commenting on my lot, The Saunders. I'm glad you like it! \:\)

jsfAug 31, 2009

Hi Ian, thanks for your always nice comments; I hope you'll enjoy using the buckskin wallpapnels. Thanks, too, for the heads up on the Chicago tour. I took another look at all your screenshots, you make really wonderful lots, I hope TSR will recognize that soon. \:\)  judi

juhhmiAug 21, 2009

I'm glad you like my 'My home is in a Castle'! I got some inspiration from Simcity 4 so my building might have a style similar to the real life building. \:\)

Living Dead GirlAug 21, 2009

Thank you!!!  \:wub\:  I wish I'd read your comment about the brackets prior to all of the terribly painful brainstorming I've undergone during the past few days to reach the same conclusion, but I have a feeling that you're absolutely right!  Thanks again!

ShinoKCRAug 19, 2009

Hi! What a niceConversation is that with you \:wub\: Converting is not easy at all because you need to change the textures a lot. But my last sets was made with having the requirements for Sims3 in mind. Only thing you dont need to make is a new 3D model. I will go to the other sites you have mentioned. Thank you for your wonderful input. \:\) Huggles Renate

ShinoKCRAug 19, 2009

Hi again! Thank you for your GB Input. I'm glad its not the case you dont like "Antiques" \:\) Sad thing is: You cant make everything you would like because of the restrictions like Polygon and the options coming from the "machine" of the Game. Means its a trying over and over what will work best. But thats a nice challenge for Shino and me. I spent an our on the Valerio site and hopefully I can make all the stuff looking like the "Original". For Sims3 are we waiting for the tool to import our meshes and there will be a lot converted from Sims2. So everbody can expect to use our Furniture in Sims3 also. Have a wonderful day \:\) Huggles Renate

ShinoKCRAug 18, 2009

Hi! About browsing Antiques lol - this is a replica of my very first set - allmost 3 Years ago... I eddited the old Files and added some more stuff. Your comment sounds like you dont like "antiques" \:\) Tell me what you would like to have - I'm running out of Ideas \:\) Huggles Renate

kbradley03Aug 17, 2009

Thanks a lot! I appreciate your comment. Enjoy, and have a great week. Tchau - K.

random_92Aug 16, 2009

Hi! Thanks that have commented on my house "Modern Street"\:\)

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