jenhart (6621171)
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Black LilyJul 23, 2020
Sorry for just now getting back to you. Thank you so much! I am glad you like my creations ♥ Unfortunately, I do not have a long version of those jackets.
RemusSirionMay 08, 2019
Dissociation is the full outfit, not just the jacket. just google "remussirion dissociation" and the first hit is a link to the TSR item page.
SelengMar 22, 2019
Thank you so much your lovely comment and feedback. I am always curious how people think about my custom content. I am wondering if I should change something, what can be better etc. I don't really get comments about it, so I just do what I need in my game, what I would like to see in my game. There will be more eyes with white sclera after a few eye types which were created long time ago