jmzerl72 (3131883)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (56 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Egyptique Swimwear
Published Apr 26, 2011
About Me
Indiana, USA.
Not creating as much as I would like, but there will be submissions from time to time. Mainly patterned & logoed clothing, paintings/posters, rugs, and patterns.
Thank you for visiting. Suggestions and/or requests are always welcome.
I also welcome any in game screen shots of sims/homes with my creations used. Send me a message and I will provide you with the link. Any thing submitted to me, may show up on my site page.
My Guestbook Show All
VitoriaForevisMar 16, 2023
So many years after you created these tattoos, but they're still really cool.
It's a pity you don't keep on to present us with your creations...
A big thank you fm Brasil
eldannyboomJul 10, 2010
Im loving that Puerto Rican leather jacket and the t top. I can't wait to ride into town. Gracia! Boom Baby!