jtmax (2634381)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (13 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Ballencott Rise
Published May 5, 2010
About Me
I'm not too good at writing/talking about myself; I will say this: the Sims is a great, fun design build tool. I am thoroughly enjoying learning about and experimenting with all of the creative build, buy, and design cheat features of the game.
My Latest Updates Show All
New Poll and BannerWritten Apr 18, 2010
Hello everyone. Just to let you know I have created a new banner and added it to my mini site along with a poll for those who like to participate. ...More
Revised File 'Victoria Garden Manor'Written Oct 16, 2009
A couple of members alerted me to troubles they were having installing 'Victoria GArden Manor'(Thanks Vish and Winiejun). This prompted me to investigate and yes, there was a game related glitch. It has been corrected and the house/lot was re-published Oct. 15, '09. The first version published Oct. 2nd, will show up in the launcher but not in the game library. Please uninstall this... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
misherusedaiApr 26, 2014
Thank you for your beautiful houses! I`ve been looking for good starter homes that fit into Moonlight Falls, my favourite neighbourhood, for a very long time now. Yours are perfect
TirabelleMay 18, 2012
I absolutely live these houses! I bet if you made some more detailed ones, you'd be made featurd artist in a hearbeat..
missyzimSep 09, 2010
Hello! Thanks so much for commenting on my flower box. I hope you find it useful.