kalamitykt (1656220)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (6 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Born to Ride horse t shirt for...
Published Jan 28, 2015
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (21 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Medium skintone with freckles...
Published Jan 26, 2008
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About Me
Otherwise known as kalamity_katie, I am a mother of three beautiful children that got me into the Sims in the first place. We started out with the PS2 game and now we all fight over the computer to play the Sims 3 and to create lots and stuff to share with you all. I really enjoy spending my 'off-time' from farming to create items for the game. All I ask is that you be polite if you have suggestions or critiques and that you don't claim my items as your own. My time is precious and it's not often I have time to create, so I just ask that you be respectful. I've since retired from creating for Sims 2, but I still have a few files available on here. Now, I'm stretching my creative 'wings' on Sims 3 creations. My favorite things to create are homespun country themes, but you never know what this crazy old goat lady has up her sleeve, so keep an eye out and I hope you enjoy what I have to offer here at TSR. Other than that I'm a simple hobby farmer raising chickens, goats, miniature horses, fruits,and vegetables. I also enjoy time with my family, farming, hunting, fishing, art, and just being goofy old me!
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kalamityktJan 24, 2015
Thanks Mr2chickie! I had a lot of fun making that lot. Now that you mention it, my avatar does kinda look real! Creepy! lol That's one of my farmer sims, Oscar Jiminez.
Mr2chickieJan 23, 2015
Great work on your beautiful farm! Hope you have many more creations in you
Also, I thought your avatar was a real
person - lol
tinytacoMar 01, 2008
that grampa is pretty sexy!