kandlelore (426652)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (378 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

gingerbread red & white wall...
Published Dec 18, 2009
About Me
I first played a sim game back in 1993, Sim City on the SNES. I thought how cool it would be if I could play the little people that lived in my little city. As soon as the sims came out I had it, and have been addicted since. I remember TSR back in the day when it wasn't subscription, and had only sims 1 stuff. Now... Sims 4 is out!
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WickedMayesJuggaletteDec 23, 2009
Thank you so much for your kind words, it really warms my heart. I am indeed very devistated, I had a neighborhood with so many 'downtowns'. I had a Haloween town, a Thanksgiving town, a Christmas town (in the works) a renissance town, and a country town (as in, farms and stuff) I've been working on that ONE neighborhood (and 'downtowns') for over a year now. It feels so belittleing when something like that is just gone. But I have to say now that it's gone I've definitley been seeing the sun more often and not so much sitting in front of my computer lol. Free time (not the ep) is so much in abundance now I'm on my way to redecorating the apartment and I had time for a REAL Christmas. lol. Well, I've actually been playing World of Warcraft, and that's LOADS of fun. Between you and me, I think I might actually like it better. Weird. Also, it doesn't take so much downloading of custom stuff. It's a lot of fun, but it's kind of annoying that you can't pick the colors of their clothes, or change their hair. No makeup or pretty earrings or anything like that. If you want a different color, it may make your armor lower. lol It doesn't really compare, but it still is a lot of fun. Yes, I think I'm just going to wait it out for when I can play the sims 3 before I play again. It would feel more worthwile to start all over on a new game. After all, when I DO get my new computer, I'll be playing TS3 anyway. Well, this comment is too overly long and I'll be getting off now, but thanks so much for your time and have a very merry Christmas and a happy new year. With love XOXO
WickedMayesJuggaletteDec 18, 2009
I'm sorry to say I got a virus that wiped out my sims games, so I really don't feel like playing again for a while, because I had everything so perfect, I'd been playing for years and all of my towns and neighborhoods were erased. Well, I won't be able to show you those screenshots, sorry.
WickedMayesJuggaletteDec 08, 2009
Thank you for all the lovely gingerbread items, it's perfect for my Christmas town. Thanks a MILLION! (billion zillian fafillion) XOXO