kanzen (1743544)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (1 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Country Charm
Published Apr 29, 2008
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About Me
I am a Mini Boss.
I may not be the most evil thing out there - but I'm mean enough to make anyone go boo-hoo. However, if you were one of the lucky ones to be graced by my hardly existing good side, then hoozah! I am the ultimate Mary Sue of a friend - that is if we are friends. So go on, don't be afraid. I'm just a cute little Chihuahua.
Bark, Bark
My Latest Updates Show All
New Sims 2 Story : Knock KnockWritten Mar 03, 2013
So I finally got my game back into gear and with a small arsenal of CC I think I can cough up a little story. This one's a bit on the Drama side cause its based on a True True True Story of my life. I hope you guys look out of for it and read it when it gets here xD ...More
At the end of a valley away from town, an alpaca farmer regularly waits at his mailbox for a letter from his lover until one day he finds a strange postman with pink lipstick and a wrist tan line. ....Is this interesting or what? 'Cause I might create a new sims 2 story based on this. And yes, this is connected with Zeke - you silly fangirls xD ...More
Missed Me? Here's a Preview of the Brand New ZekeWritten Dec 03, 2011
and REMEMBER NICK? well I tweaked him a bit, renamed him, and gave more thought into his character. I noticed that I've been depraving him attention while spoiling Zeke waaaaay to much. Tune in for more updates you beautiful loyal readers of mine <3 ...More
My Guestbook Show All
fredbrennyFeb 10, 2013
Same ol'stuff, just moved to another place and got a divorce... No big deal LOL....
Happy to be here in my own sanctuary and still building lots... not too much on the story writing front, but that may change.
fredbrennyFeb 07, 2013
Where have you been???? (((((hugs))))) Great to hear from you KANZEN dear !!
OriannaInShiningArmourJun 10, 2012
I really can't wait for chapter six of my funny friend and me, yes. I am a big fan